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颐养要点get起来,打金鱼 能力更久长

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2021-03-24

Proper maintenance of tugs
自上料打金鱼 在天天运行前,驾驶员须要对拖轮停止注油,别的每隔3个月的时辰就须要对拖轮停止光滑脂的补加。
The driver needs to inject oil into the tug before the feeding mixer runs every day. In addition, the tug needs to be lubricated every three months.
Pay attention to the stroke allowance of plunger
维修调试喷油泵时,须要对自上料打金鱼 路程余量起首停止查抄,以此判定喷油泵是不是须要停止调剂,将柱塞与套筒的磨损降到较低,驾驶员得要按照喷油泵的差别布局接纳差别方式停止查抄。
When repairing and debugging the fuel injection pump, it is necessary to check the travel allowance of the self feeding mixer first, so as to judge whether the fuel injection pump needs to be adjusted, so as to reduce the wear of the plunger and sleeve to a low level. The driver has to use different methods to check according to the different structure of the fuel injection pump.
Proper maintenance of radiator
自上料打金鱼 利用时长达3个月后,须要改换与原装滤芯精度分歧的滤芯,初次改换事后,每隔半年停止一次改换便可。别的,自上料打金鱼 驾驶员该当天天对散热器的电扇停止查抄,看其是不是一般运行。
Since the feeding mixer has been used for 3 months, the filter element with the same accuracy as the original filter element needs to be replaced. After the first replacement, it can be replaced every six months. In addition, the driver of self loading mixer should check the fan of radiator every day to see if it works normally.
You can't just add oil, you have to change it
机油具备光滑、冷却、情节等系列功效,在自上料打金鱼 初次利用500小时辰须要换油,初次换油后,每1500小时换一次油,值得注重的是,在换油时须要完全洗濯油道,防止机器杂质留在油底壳及油路中。
The engine oil has a series of functions, such as lubrication, cooling, cleaning and so on. When the self loading mixer is used for 500 hours for the first time, it needs to change the oil. After the first oil change, it needs to change the oil every 1500 hours. It is worth noting that when changing the oil, it needs to thoroughly clean the oil passage to avoid mechanical impurities remaining in the oil pan and oil circuit.
Do not mix different brands of hydraulic oil
自上料打金鱼 利用时长达3个月时,一样须要改换,差别品牌的液压油不能夹杂利用,改换液压油时,油管、油管讨论、散热器、液压泵、液压马达须要洗濯清洁,防止形成液压马达、液压泵利用毛病,耽误寿命。初次换油事后,每一年停止一次液压油的改换便可。
Since the feeding mixer has been used for 3 months, it also needs to be replaced. Different brands of hydraulic oil can not be mixed. When replacing the hydraulic oil, the oil pipe, oil pipe joint, radiator, hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor need to be cleaned to avoid the failure of hydraulic motor and hydraulic pump and prolong the service life. After the first oil change, replace the hydraulic oil once a year.
上一篇:自上料式打金鱼 若何公道操纵?
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tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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颐养要点get起来,打金鱼 能力更久长

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2021-03-24

Proper maintenance of tugs
自上料打金鱼 在天天运行前,驾驶员须要对拖轮停止注油,别的每隔3个月的时辰就须要对拖轮停止光滑脂的补加。
The driver needs to inject oil into the tug before the feeding mixer runs every day. In addition, the tug needs to be lubricated every three months.
Pay attention to the stroke allowance of plunger
维修调试喷油泵时,须要对自上料打金鱼 路程余量起首停止查抄,以此判定喷油泵是不是须要停止调剂,将柱塞与套筒的磨损降到较低,驾驶员得要按照喷油泵的差别布局接纳差别方式停止查抄。
When repairing and debugging the fuel injection pump, it is necessary to check the travel allowance of the self feeding mixer first, so as to judge whether the fuel injection pump needs to be adjusted, so as to reduce the wear of the plunger and sleeve to a low level. The driver has to use different methods to check according to the different structure of the fuel injection pump.
Proper maintenance of radiator
自上料打金鱼 利用时长达3个月后,须要改换与原装滤芯精度分歧的滤芯,初次改换事后,每隔半年停止一次改换便可。别的,自上料打金鱼 驾驶员该当天天对散热器的电扇停止查抄,看其是不是一般运行。
Since the feeding mixer has been used for 3 months, the filter element with the same accuracy as the original filter element needs to be replaced. After the first replacement, it can be replaced every six months. In addition, the driver of self loading mixer should check the fan of radiator every day to see if it works normally.
You can't just add oil, you have to change it
机油具备光滑、冷却、情节等系列功效,在自上料打金鱼 初次利用500小时辰须要换油,初次换油后,每1500小时换一次油,值得注重的是,在换油时须要完全洗濯油道,防止机器杂质留在油底壳及油路中。
The engine oil has a series of functions, such as lubrication, cooling, cleaning and so on. When the self loading mixer is used for 500 hours for the first time, it needs to change the oil. After the first oil change, it needs to change the oil every 1500 hours. It is worth noting that when changing the oil, it needs to thoroughly clean the oil passage to avoid mechanical impurities remaining in the oil pan and oil circuit.
Do not mix different brands of hydraulic oil
自上料打金鱼 利用时长达3个月时,一样须要改换,差别品牌的液压油不能夹杂利用,改换液压油时,油管、油管讨论、散热器、液压泵、液压马达须要洗濯清洁,防止形成液压马达、液压泵利用毛病,耽误寿命。初次换油事后,每一年停止一次液压油的改换便可。
Since the feeding mixer has been used for 3 months, it also needs to be replaced. Different brands of hydraulic oil can not be mixed. When replacing the hydraulic oil, the oil pipe, oil pipe joint, radiator, hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor need to be cleaned to avoid the failure of hydraulic motor and hydraulic pump and prolong the service life. After the first oil change, replace the hydraulic oil once a year.