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主动上料打金鱼 中冷增压策念头的感化

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2021-08-26

混凝土主动上料打金鱼 是在修建工地更罕见的一种公用车辆,修建工地上一般路况都不好,而打金鱼 由于运输介质是混凝土,分量又比拟大,以是在策念头的遴选上多选马力大,能源足的,在采办车辆的时辰,咱们经常传闻中冷增压策念头、涡轮增压策动。
Automatic concrete loading mixer is a special vehicle more common in construction sites. Generally, the road conditions on construction sites are not good. Because the transportation medium of mixer is concrete and its weight is relatively large, it is more likely to choose engines with high horsepower and sufficient power. When buying vehicles, we often hear of Intercooled supercharged engines and turbocharged engines.
Intercooling supercharging is when the turbocharger compresses the fresh air, cools it through the middle cooler, and then flows to the cylinder combustion chamber through the air inlet pipe and inlet valve. Effective intercooling technology can reduce the boost temperature below 50 ℃, which helps to reduce exhaust emissions and improve fuel economy.
Intercooling supercharging is actually an air compressor, which increases the air intake through compressed air. It uses the inertial impulse of the exhaust gas discharged by the engine to drive the turbine in the turbine chamber. The turbine drives the coaxial impeller, which presses the air sent by the air filter to increase the pressure into the cylinder. When the engine speed increases, the exhaust gas discharge speed increases synchronously with the turbine speed, and the impeller compresses more air into the cylinder. The increase of air pressure and density can burn more fuel. By increasing the fuel and adjusting the engine speed, the output power of the engine can be increased.
The intercooled supercharging system usually does not work. Only when the vehicle is fully loaded or reaches a certain speed, the intercooled supercharging can increase the output power of the diesel engine under the condition of constant displacement and small weight increase. Compared with the non supercharged diesel engine with the same power, the supercharged diesel engine not only has small volume, light weight and high power, It also reduces the cost per unit power. Therefore, supercharging technology is not only widely used in diesel engines, but also many vehicles with gasoline are using intercooling supercharging system. It is an important technical means to improve internal combustion engines.
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主动上料打金鱼 中冷增压策念头的感化

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2021-08-26

混凝土主动上料打金鱼 是在修建工地更罕见的一种公用车辆,修建工地上一般路况都不好,而打金鱼 由于运输介质是混凝土,分量又比拟大,以是在策念头的遴选上多选马力大,能源足的,在采办车辆的时辰,咱们经常传闻中冷增压策念头、涡轮增压策动。
Automatic concrete loading mixer is a special vehicle more common in construction sites. Generally, the road conditions on construction sites are not good. Because the transportation medium of mixer is concrete and its weight is relatively large, it is more likely to choose engines with high horsepower and sufficient power. When buying vehicles, we often hear of Intercooled supercharged engines and turbocharged engines.
Intercooling supercharging is when the turbocharger compresses the fresh air, cools it through the middle cooler, and then flows to the cylinder combustion chamber through the air inlet pipe and inlet valve. Effective intercooling technology can reduce the boost temperature below 50 ℃, which helps to reduce exhaust emissions and improve fuel economy.
Intercooling supercharging is actually an air compressor, which increases the air intake through compressed air. It uses the inertial impulse of the exhaust gas discharged by the engine to drive the turbine in the turbine chamber. The turbine drives the coaxial impeller, which presses the air sent by the air filter to increase the pressure into the cylinder. When the engine speed increases, the exhaust gas discharge speed increases synchronously with the turbine speed, and the impeller compresses more air into the cylinder. The increase of air pressure and density can burn more fuel. By increasing the fuel and adjusting the engine speed, the output power of the engine can be increased.
The intercooled supercharging system usually does not work. Only when the vehicle is fully loaded or reaches a certain speed, the intercooled supercharging can increase the output power of the diesel engine under the condition of constant displacement and small weight increase. Compared with the non supercharged diesel engine with the same power, the supercharged diesel engine not only has small volume, light weight and high power, It also reduces the cost per unit power. Therefore, supercharging technology is not only widely used in diesel engines, but also many vehicles with gasoline are using intercooling supercharging system. It is an important technical means to improve internal combustion engines.