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打鱼注册送分 突发毛病残渣应当如何办?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-02-25

打鱼注册送分 产生毛病时,其内部混凝土需实时排挤,其排挤方式有以下两种:
In case of failure of concrete mixer truck, the internal concrete shall be discharged in time. There are two discharge methods:
I. scheme:
1、筹办好告急驱动软管,将毛病自上料打金鱼 熄火,卸下液压马达上的高压油管讨论。
1. Prepare the emergency drive hose, turn off the fault from the charging mixer, and remove the high-pressure oil pipe connector on the hydraulic motor.
2. Turn off the rescue vehicle, remove the high-pressure oil pipe of its hydraulic motor and connect it with the corresponding connector on the faulty vehicle with emergency drive hose.
3、策动救济车,将其支配手柄拨至出料地位,毛病自上料打金鱼 车内的混凝土即被排挤。
3. Start the rescue truck and turn its control handle to the discharge position. The concrete in the mixer truck will be discharged since the fault is loaded.
4. After the emergency drive, remove the drive hose and restore the two vehicles to their original state.
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tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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打鱼注册送分 突发毛病残渣应当如何办?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-02-25

打鱼注册送分 产生毛病时,其内部混凝土需实时排挤,其排挤方式有以下两种:
In case of failure of concrete mixer truck, the internal concrete shall be discharged in time. There are two discharge methods:
I. scheme:
1、筹办好告急驱动软管,将毛病自上料打金鱼 熄火,卸下液压马达上的高压油管讨论。
1. Prepare the emergency drive hose, turn off the fault from the charging mixer, and remove the high-pressure oil pipe connector on the hydraulic motor.
2. Turn off the rescue vehicle, remove the high-pressure oil pipe of its hydraulic motor and connect it with the corresponding connector on the faulty vehicle with emergency drive hose.
3、策动救济车,将其支配手柄拨至出料地位,毛病自上料打金鱼 车内的混凝土即被排挤。
3. Start the rescue truck and turn its control handle to the discharge position. The concrete in the mixer truck will be discharged since the fault is loaded.
4. After the emergency drive, remove the drive hose and restore the two vehicles to their original state.