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保证打金鱼 利用顺遂就要晓得这些要点

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2022-07-11

尽能够多体例的削减维修本钱对打金鱼 司机来讲很重要,究竟结果在某个处所多花了钱,就须要在别的的处所找补返来。那末保证打金鱼 利用顺遂就要晓得甚么呢?小编为您讲授。
It is important for mixer drivers to reduce maintenance costs in as many ways as possible. After all, if they spend more money in one place, they need to make up for it in another place. So what do you need to know to ensure the smooth use of the mixer? The editor will explain it to you.
Running in period of new car
Tighten the bolts of the whole vehicle and imprison it once every half month. For example, the "U-shaped" bolts connecting the auxiliary beam and the chassis, followed by the bolts between the reducer and the tank body.
WordStr the hydraulic system. WordStr the high-pressure anti-wear hydraulic oil after the first 100 hours of use, and then replace it every 1000 hours of use. The oil change time shall not exceed one year. It should be noted that hydraulic oils of different brands cannot be mixed. WordStr the radiator filter element at the same time.
During normal use, when the reading of the radiator vacuum gauge exceeds 0.03 MPa, replace the hydraulic oil and filter element immediately.
Clean the mixing tank. After each unloading, the inside and outside of the tank and the feeding and discharging devices should be cleaned to prevent too much concrete from sticking in the tank. Generally, a thorough cleaning should be carried out in about three months.
Normal driving period
拐弯要慢。打金鱼 重心高,易侧翻!入弯之前提早加速减挡,尽能够别拐弯的时辰踩刹车。随时经由进程后视镜注重察看罐子是不是在转,把转速尽能够调慢,转速太高,车辆轻易摆动倒车要慢。别老是把头伸出窗外,要看着双方后视镜一路统筹,其实不肯定就泊车看清晰再倒,很多几多路面是发掘机方才铺的比拟软,车轻易陷。
Turn slowly. The mixer truck has a high center of gravity and is easy to overturn! Decelerate and downshift in advance before turning, and try not to step on the brake when turning. Observe whether the can is rotating through the rearview mirror at any time, and try to slow down the speed. If the speed is too high, the vehicle is easy to swing, and the reverse is slow. Don't always stick your head out of the window, but look at the rear-view mirrors on both sides. If you are really unsure, stop and look clearly before falling down. Many roads are just paved by excavators, which are relatively soft, and the car is easy to sink.
If it's full, pay attention to starting slowly, and pay more attention to uphill. Don't downshift randomly, so as to downshift in advance. And it is better to speed up the speed of the pouring to prevent the concrete from flowing out.
Be used to testing the brakes before driving for a long time or going downhill. Do not slide down the slope with the heavy vehicle in neutral gear. When turning downhill, slow down in advance, then reduce the gear, and then slow down. The braking effect with gear is good.
No matter the road conditions on the construction site are complex or during transportation, be careful of trees, wires, etc., especially to prevent scraping wires.
注册送200可提现的打鱼 让混凝土充实搅拌,须要时能够加一些水,让混凝土搅拌得更平均,也便利卸料放料时把车尽能够停在高山上放料前先把出料斗溜槽打湿,便利洗濯。
The small concrete mixer truck allows the concrete to be fully mixed. If necessary, some water can be added to make the concrete mix more evenly. It is also convenient to park the truck on the flat ground as far as possible during unloading and discharging. Before discharging, wet the chute of the discharge hopper first for convenient cleaning.
Watch by yourself when discharging, so as to prevent the discharging worker from operating the discharging lever disorderly. It is better to stop every time the can is reversing the middle position, so as to protect the reducer, supporting wheel, etc.
When washing the cans, be sure to wash them carefully, and repeat the positive and negative rotation of the water twice, and then release them. In the next trip, put all the water in the water tank into the cans, and then return to the station to add water to thoroughly clean the cans.
The above is all about the problems and precautions introduced to you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com , our staff will contact you in time.
上一篇:打金鱼 装配时若何避免油污
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tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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保证打金鱼 利用顺遂就要晓得这些要点

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2022-07-11

尽能够多体例的削减维修本钱对打金鱼 司机来讲很重要,究竟结果在某个处所多花了钱,就须要在别的的处所找补返来。那末保证打金鱼 利用顺遂就要晓得甚么呢?小编为您讲授。
It is important for mixer drivers to reduce maintenance costs in as many ways as possible. After all, if they spend more money in one place, they need to make up for it in another place. So what do you need to know to ensure the smooth use of the mixer? The editor will explain it to you.
Running in period of new car
Tighten the bolts of the whole vehicle and imprison it once every half month. For example, the "U-shaped" bolts connecting the auxiliary beam and the chassis, followed by the bolts between the reducer and the tank body.
WordStr the hydraulic system. WordStr the high-pressure anti-wear hydraulic oil after the first 100 hours of use, and then replace it every 1000 hours of use. The oil change time shall not exceed one year. It should be noted that hydraulic oils of different brands cannot be mixed. WordStr the radiator filter element at the same time.
During normal use, when the reading of the radiator vacuum gauge exceeds 0.03 MPa, replace the hydraulic oil and filter element immediately.
Clean the mixing tank. After each unloading, the inside and outside of the tank and the feeding and discharging devices should be cleaned to prevent too much concrete from sticking in the tank. Generally, a thorough cleaning should be carried out in about three months.
Normal driving period
拐弯要慢。打金鱼 重心高,易侧翻!入弯之前提早加速减挡,尽能够别拐弯的时辰踩刹车。随时经由进程后视镜注重察看罐子是不是在转,把转速尽能够调慢,转速太高,车辆轻易摆动倒车要慢。别老是把头伸出窗外,要看着双方后视镜一路统筹,其实不肯定就泊车看清晰再倒,很多几多路面是发掘机方才铺的比拟软,车轻易陷。
Turn slowly. The mixer truck has a high center of gravity and is easy to overturn! Decelerate and downshift in advance before turning, and try not to step on the brake when turning. Observe whether the can is rotating through the rearview mirror at any time, and try to slow down the speed. If the speed is too high, the vehicle is easy to swing, and the reverse is slow. Don't always stick your head out of the window, but look at the rear-view mirrors on both sides. If you are really unsure, stop and look clearly before falling down. Many roads are just paved by excavators, which are relatively soft, and the car is easy to sink.
If it's full, pay attention to starting slowly, and pay more attention to uphill. Don't downshift randomly, so as to downshift in advance. And it is better to speed up the speed of the pouring to prevent the concrete from flowing out.
Be used to testing the brakes before driving for a long time or going downhill. Do not slide down the slope with the heavy vehicle in neutral gear. When turning downhill, slow down in advance, then reduce the gear, and then slow down. The braking effect with gear is good.
No matter the road conditions on the construction site are complex or during transportation, be careful of trees, wires, etc., especially to prevent scraping wires.
注册送200可提现的打鱼 让混凝土充实搅拌,须要时能够加一些水,让混凝土搅拌得更平均,也便利卸料放料时把车尽能够停在高山上放料前先把出料斗溜槽打湿,便利洗濯。
The small concrete mixer truck allows the concrete to be fully mixed. If necessary, some water can be added to make the concrete mix more evenly. It is also convenient to park the truck on the flat ground as far as possible during unloading and discharging. Before discharging, wet the chute of the discharge hopper first for convenient cleaning.
Watch by yourself when discharging, so as to prevent the discharging worker from operating the discharging lever disorderly. It is better to stop every time the can is reversing the middle position, so as to protect the reducer, supporting wheel, etc.
When washing the cans, be sure to wash them carefully, and repeat the positive and negative rotation of the water twice, and then release them. In the next trip, put all the water in the water tank into the cans, and then return to the station to add water to thoroughly clean the cans.
The above is all about the problems and precautions introduced to you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com , our staff will contact you in time.