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打鱼注册送分 各部件的准确利用便利施工

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-07-25

打鱼注册送分 的呈现,不只能够或许或许让工人们轻松任务,还能够或许或许改良工地上尘埃大的题目,主动上料、主动下水、主动搅拌、主动卸料全主动化的任务流程,简略便利轻松合用,固然对它的零部件也要熟悉到。
The emergence of concrete mixer truck can not only make workers work easily, but also improve the problem of large dust on the construction site. The fully automated workflow of automatic feeding, automatic watering, automatic mixing and automatic unloading is simple, convenient, easy and practical. Of course, we should also recognize its parts.
打鱼注册送分 便利、合用、支配简略,简略培训便可把握支配技能,两小我共同任务便可运行,大大节流了人力资本,高程度主动化手艺的利用,撑持着打金鱼 实现智能配料、主动上料、主动灌水、主动搅拌、主动扭转卸料等任务。
The concrete mixer truck is convenient, practical and simple to operate. Simple training can master the operating skills, and two people can work together to operate, which greatly saves human resources. The application of high-level automation technology supports the mixer truck to complete intelligent batching, automatic feeding, automatic water injection, automatic mixing, automatic rotary unloading and other work.
The time from feeding to discharging is only more than ten minutes, and the output of 200 cubic meters per day can be achieved without manual effort. Automatic machine production not only saves time, but also ensures the quality of production.
打鱼注册送分 的公用机构首要包含:取力器、搅拌筒前后支架、加速机、液压体系、搅拌筒、支配机构、洗濯体系等:
The special mechanism of concrete mixer mainly includes: power take-off, front and rear supports of mixing drum, reducer, hydraulic system, mixing drum, control mechanism, cleaning system, etc.:
Power take-off device: the domestic concrete mixer truck adopts the power take-off mode of the main vehicle engine. The function of the power take-off device is to take out the power of the engine by operating the power take-off switch, drive the mixing drum through the hydraulic system, and the mixing drum rotates forward in the process of feeding and transportation, so as to facilitate the feeding and mixing of concrete, rotate reversely when discharging, and cut off the power connection with the engine after the work is completed.
Hydraulic system: the engine power taken out by the power take-off (now generally rear full-function power take-off) is converted into hydraulic energy (displacement and pressure), and then output into mechanical energy (speed and torque) by the motor to provide power for the rotation of the mixing drum.
Reducer: after decelerating the speed output by the motor in the hydraulic system, it is transmitted to the mixing drum.
Control mechanism: control the rotation direction of the mixing drum to make it rotate forward during feeding and transportation, and reverse during discharging. Control the rotating speed of the mixing drum.
Cleaning system: the main function of the cleaning system is to clean the mixing drum, and sometimes it is also used for dry material mixing during transportation. The cleaning system also cools the hydraulic system.
打鱼注册送分 各部件的准确利用便利施工不是说着玩的,列位车首要上心,只要如许能力更加宁静的停止施工,更多信息获得就来网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询吧!
The correct application of all parts of the concrete mixer to facilitate construction is not a joke. You are mainly interested in cars. Only in this way can you carry out construction more safely. For more information, please come to the website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult!
上一篇:打金鱼 洗濯土渣的两种简略体例
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tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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打鱼注册送分 各部件的准确利用便利施工

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-07-25

打鱼注册送分 的呈现,不只能够或许或许让工人们轻松任务,还能够或许或许改良工地上尘埃大的题目,主动上料、主动下水、主动搅拌、主动卸料全主动化的任务流程,简略便利轻松合用,固然对它的零部件也要熟悉到。
The emergence of concrete mixer truck can not only make workers work easily, but also improve the problem of large dust on the construction site. The fully automated workflow of automatic feeding, automatic watering, automatic mixing and automatic unloading is simple, convenient, easy and practical. Of course, we should also recognize its parts.
打鱼注册送分 便利、合用、支配简略,简略培训便可把握支配技能,两小我共同任务便可运行,大大节流了人力资本,高程度主动化手艺的利用,撑持着打金鱼 实现智能配料、主动上料、主动灌水、主动搅拌、主动扭转卸料等任务。
The concrete mixer truck is convenient, practical and simple to operate. Simple training can master the operating skills, and two people can work together to operate, which greatly saves human resources. The application of high-level automation technology supports the mixer truck to complete intelligent batching, automatic feeding, automatic water injection, automatic mixing, automatic rotary unloading and other work.
The time from feeding to discharging is only more than ten minutes, and the output of 200 cubic meters per day can be achieved without manual effort. Automatic machine production not only saves time, but also ensures the quality of production.
打鱼注册送分 的公用机构首要包含:取力器、搅拌筒前后支架、加速机、液压体系、搅拌筒、支配机构、洗濯体系等:
The special mechanism of concrete mixer mainly includes: power take-off, front and rear supports of mixing drum, reducer, hydraulic system, mixing drum, control mechanism, cleaning system, etc.:
Power take-off device: the domestic concrete mixer truck adopts the power take-off mode of the main vehicle engine. The function of the power take-off device is to take out the power of the engine by operating the power take-off switch, drive the mixing drum through the hydraulic system, and the mixing drum rotates forward in the process of feeding and transportation, so as to facilitate the feeding and mixing of concrete, rotate reversely when discharging, and cut off the power connection with the engine after the work is completed.
Hydraulic system: the engine power taken out by the power take-off (now generally rear full-function power take-off) is converted into hydraulic energy (displacement and pressure), and then output into mechanical energy (speed and torque) by the motor to provide power for the rotation of the mixing drum.
Reducer: after decelerating the speed output by the motor in the hydraulic system, it is transmitted to the mixing drum.
Control mechanism: control the rotation direction of the mixing drum to make it rotate forward during feeding and transportation, and reverse during discharging. Control the rotating speed of the mixing drum.
Cleaning system: the main function of the cleaning system is to clean the mixing drum, and sometimes it is also used for dry material mixing during transportation. The cleaning system also cools the hydraulic system.
打鱼注册送分 各部件的准确利用便利施工不是说着玩的,列位车首要上心,只要如许能力更加宁静的停止施工,更多信息获得就来网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询吧!
The correct application of all parts of the concrete mixer to facilitate construction is not a joke. You are mainly interested in cars. Only in this way can you carry out construction more safely. For more information, please come to the website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult!