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老手若何掌握打金鱼 与泵车之间的间隔

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2022-08-08

打鱼注册送分 的呈现,主动上料、主动下水、主动搅拌、主动卸料全主动化的任务流程,简略便利轻松合用,固然操纵之前倡议是领会好相干的题目或有关的操纵事变,那末上面领会一个事变---咱们将打金鱼 倒车到泵车料斗时有以下两种环境:
With the appearance of concrete mixer truck, the fully automatic work flow of automatic feeding, automatic water feeding, automatic mixing and automatic unloading is simple, convenient, easy and practical. Of course, it is recommended to understand the relevant problems or related operation matters before use. Then we will understand one thing - when we reverse the mixer truck to the hopper of the pump truck, there are two situations:
1. Professional Commander
When reversing is commanded, we can first open the chute and raise it to a distance of about 10 cm from the hopper of the pump truck, then start reversing, follow the command of the commander and stop the vehicle in time;
2. No professional Commander
If there is no professional command when reversing, we need to first pull the chute back at an oblique angle, and then open the rotation stop pin of the chute behind, so that it can rotate freely. Note: the driver must be able to see the state of the chute in the cab; When reversing, the vehicle body should not be facing the rear of the pump truck. When reversing, I should be able to clearly see the hopper of the pump truck. When the chute and the hopper of the pump truck approach, I can step on the brake and observe whether the chute can contact the chute after it swings freely:
When the gear chute touches the material chute of the pump truck in advance, we need to stop immediately and move forward 10-15cm;
If the chute contacts the material chute of the pump truck by using the brake inertia, the material can be discharged normally at this position.
另外打金鱼 在操纵的时辰,能够会碰着突发的一些毛病,如许若何处置呢?对老手来讲比拟辣手,比方:打金鱼 俄然泊车后难以启动,乃至没法启动;行驶中打金鱼 功率俄然降落,行驶有力;行驶中刹车失灵或俄然跑偏,乃至失灵。这类毛病病症较着,易于检测。以是相干的毛病内容也要充实熟悉到,并做好相干的防备办法。
In addition, when the mixer truck is in use, it may encounter some unexpected failures. How to deal with this? It is difficult for beginners, for example, it is difficult to start the mixer after it stops suddenly, or even unable to start it; The power of the mixer truck suddenly drops during driving and the driving is weak; Brake failure or sudden deviation during driving, or even failure. This fault has obvious symptoms and is easy to detect. Therefore, relevant fault contents shall be fully recognized and relevant preventive measures shall be taken.
打鱼注册送分 的普遍操纵,不只节流了施工时辰,还能降落了野生本钱,在全部进程中起到了跟尾感化,不只是进步施工效力那末简略,并且对都会扶植来讲也是如斯。更多对装备操纵的事变就来咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询领会吧。
The wide application of concrete mixer not only saves construction time, but also reduces labor cost. It plays a connecting role in the whole process. It is not only simple to improve construction efficiency, but also for urban construction. For more information about the use of equipment, please visit our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult and understand.
上一篇:打金鱼 的七条功课根基原则
下一篇:打鱼注册送分 对预拌混凝土的保送时辰请求
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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老手若何掌握打金鱼 与泵车之间的间隔

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2022-08-08

打鱼注册送分 的呈现,主动上料、主动下水、主动搅拌、主动卸料全主动化的任务流程,简略便利轻松合用,固然操纵之前倡议是领会好相干的题目或有关的操纵事变,那末上面领会一个事变---咱们将打金鱼 倒车到泵车料斗时有以下两种环境:
With the appearance of concrete mixer truck, the fully automatic work flow of automatic feeding, automatic water feeding, automatic mixing and automatic unloading is simple, convenient, easy and practical. Of course, it is recommended to understand the relevant problems or related operation matters before use. Then we will understand one thing - when we reverse the mixer truck to the hopper of the pump truck, there are two situations:
1. Professional Commander
When reversing is commanded, we can first open the chute and raise it to a distance of about 10 cm from the hopper of the pump truck, then start reversing, follow the command of the commander and stop the vehicle in time;
2. No professional Commander
If there is no professional command when reversing, we need to first pull the chute back at an oblique angle, and then open the rotation stop pin of the chute behind, so that it can rotate freely. Note: the driver must be able to see the state of the chute in the cab; When reversing, the vehicle body should not be facing the rear of the pump truck. When reversing, I should be able to clearly see the hopper of the pump truck. When the chute and the hopper of the pump truck approach, I can step on the brake and observe whether the chute can contact the chute after it swings freely:
When the gear chute touches the material chute of the pump truck in advance, we need to stop immediately and move forward 10-15cm;
If the chute contacts the material chute of the pump truck by using the brake inertia, the material can be discharged normally at this position.
另外打金鱼 在操纵的时辰,能够会碰着突发的一些毛病,如许若何处置呢?对老手来讲比拟辣手,比方:打金鱼 俄然泊车后难以启动,乃至没法启动;行驶中打金鱼 功率俄然降落,行驶有力;行驶中刹车失灵或俄然跑偏,乃至失灵。这类毛病病症较着,易于检测。以是相干的毛病内容也要充实熟悉到,并做好相干的防备办法。
In addition, when the mixer truck is in use, it may encounter some unexpected failures. How to deal with this? It is difficult for beginners, for example, it is difficult to start the mixer after it stops suddenly, or even unable to start it; The power of the mixer truck suddenly drops during driving and the driving is weak; Brake failure or sudden deviation during driving, or even failure. This fault has obvious symptoms and is easy to detect. Therefore, relevant fault contents shall be fully recognized and relevant preventive measures shall be taken.
打鱼注册送分 的普遍操纵,不只节流了施工时辰,还能降落了野生本钱,在全部进程中起到了跟尾感化,不只是进步施工效力那末简略,并且对都会扶植来讲也是如斯。更多对装备操纵的事变就来咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询领会吧。
The wide application of concrete mixer not only saves construction time, but also reduces labor cost. It plays a connecting role in the whole process. It is not only simple to improve construction efficiency, but also for urban construction. For more information about the use of equipment, please visit our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult and understand.