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打鱼注册送分 对预拌混凝土的保送时辰请求

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2022-08-17

打鱼注册送分 对预拌混凝土的保送时辰请求是若何的呢?上面小编为您讲授一番。
What is the delivery time requirement of concrete mixer for ready mixed concrete? The following editor will explain it to you.
任何预拌混凝土在未增加缓凝剂的环境下,都在1小时摆布进入初凝状况,这时辰辰再遏制混凝土浇注施工将影响混凝土的工程品质。是以打金鱼 保送预拌混凝土有当时辰节制的保送半径请求。普通节制在1小时之内。
Any ready mixed concrete will enter the initial setting state in about 1 hour without adding retarder. At this time, the concrete pouring will affect the quality of the concrete. Therefore, the transportation of ready mixed concrete by mixer truck has its time controlled transportation radius requirements. Generally controlled within 1 hour.
The long time from the feeding of commercial ready mixed concrete to the completion of unloading is 90 minutes, and the total number of revolutions of the mixing drum is not more than 300. If the original discharge chute is not long enough and needs to be lengthened, please support the lengthened part with a pillar.
After the concrete is discharged, the inside of the mixing drum shall be washed quickly. Note: if not washed in time, it will not only cause the concrete in the mixing drum to bond, reduce the loading capacity, and obstruct the feeding, but also bring failure to the mechanism, which is one of the inducing factors of the accident. Be careful!
When the truck is running empty, the mixing drum shall rotate at the same stirring speed as when the truck is loaded.
If the full load concrete needs to be reversed when it is rotating forward, it needs to control the handle to make it forward and stable, and then reverse it. When the forward rotation is no longer possible, control the handle to reverse it.
打鱼注册送分 的任务装配的持续时辰不可以或许有跨越了八小时。
The continuous time of the working device of the concrete mixer shall not exceed eight hours.
When the vehicle is in the no-load driving process, the mixing drum cannot stop running, so as to avoid the collision of the tug and the raceway caused by the bumping during the driving process and the abnormal damage.
打鱼注册送分 在遏制保送着混凝土的容量、品质、和其塌落度都须是要合适着其混凝土行业的请求和规范的。
The capacity, quality and slump of concrete transported by the concrete mixer must meet the requirements and standards of the concrete industry.
注重:打金鱼 行驶时,如搅拌遏制反转展转,则搅拌筒滚道与搅拌筒托轮上会产生压痕,并会产生非常噪声。是以,务请注重。更多相干事变就来咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询吧。
Note: when the mixer truck is running, if the mixing stops rotating, there will be indentation on the mixing drum raceway and the mixing drum supporting wheel, and abnormal noise will occur. Therefore, please be careful. For more information, please visit our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult.
上一篇:老手若何掌握打金鱼 与泵车之间的间隔
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打鱼注册送分 对预拌混凝土的保送时辰请求

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2022-08-17

打鱼注册送分 对预拌混凝土的保送时辰请求是若何的呢?上面小编为您讲授一番。
What is the delivery time requirement of concrete mixer for ready mixed concrete? The following editor will explain it to you.
任何预拌混凝土在未增加缓凝剂的环境下,都在1小时摆布进入初凝状况,这时辰辰再遏制混凝土浇注施工将影响混凝土的工程品质。是以打金鱼 保送预拌混凝土有当时辰节制的保送半径请求。普通节制在1小时之内。
Any ready mixed concrete will enter the initial setting state in about 1 hour without adding retarder. At this time, the concrete pouring will affect the quality of the concrete. Therefore, the transportation of ready mixed concrete by mixer truck has its time controlled transportation radius requirements. Generally controlled within 1 hour.
The long time from the feeding of commercial ready mixed concrete to the completion of unloading is 90 minutes, and the total number of revolutions of the mixing drum is not more than 300. If the original discharge chute is not long enough and needs to be lengthened, please support the lengthened part with a pillar.
After the concrete is discharged, the inside of the mixing drum shall be washed quickly. Note: if not washed in time, it will not only cause the concrete in the mixing drum to bond, reduce the loading capacity, and obstruct the feeding, but also bring failure to the mechanism, which is one of the inducing factors of the accident. Be careful!
When the truck is running empty, the mixing drum shall rotate at the same stirring speed as when the truck is loaded.
If the full load concrete needs to be reversed when it is rotating forward, it needs to control the handle to make it forward and stable, and then reverse it. When the forward rotation is no longer possible, control the handle to reverse it.
打鱼注册送分 的任务装配的持续时辰不可以或许有跨越了八小时。
The continuous time of the working device of the concrete mixer shall not exceed eight hours.
When the vehicle is in the no-load driving process, the mixing drum cannot stop running, so as to avoid the collision of the tug and the raceway caused by the bumping during the driving process and the abnormal damage.
打鱼注册送分 在遏制保送着混凝土的容量、品质、和其塌落度都须是要合适着其混凝土行业的请求和规范的。
The capacity, quality and slump of concrete transported by the concrete mixer must meet the requirements and standards of the concrete industry.
注重:打金鱼 行驶时,如搅拌遏制反转展转,则搅拌筒滚道与搅拌筒托轮上会产生压痕,并会产生非常噪声。是以,务请注重。更多相干事变就来咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询吧。
Note: when the mixer truck is running, if the mixing stops rotating, there will be indentation on the mixing drum raceway and the mixing drum supporting wheel, and abnormal noise will occur. Therefore, please be careful. For more information, please visit our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult.