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若何削减中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 的磨损

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2020-03-10

  中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 利用普遍,在利用混凝土搅拌机时,磨损是不可避免的,磨损会影响装备的出产效力,以是在出产进程中最重要的一点便是尽能够削减混凝土搅拌机的磨损。
  Zhongke Jufeng concrete mixer is widely used. When using concrete mixer, abrasion is inevitable, which will affect the production efficiency of the equipment. Therefore, the most important point in the production process is to minimize the abrasion of concrete mixer.
  The first is the lubrication of concrete mixer. There are a lot of lubrication requirements. The method and quantity of lubricants are different. Sometimes, a new lubricant needs to be replaced. It also needs regular and quantitative fake lubricants. Users must understand these lubrication technologies to ensure the lubrication of concrete mixer.
  The easily worn parts of concrete mixer include vibrating screen, mixing blade, mixing surface and mixing drum. How to reduce the wear of these places? When the vibrating screen is worn and the vibrating bearing is worn, the user must select the high-quality bearing, the lubricating device must be reasonable, and the user must often lubricate the bearing; As the mixing paddle needs to mix concrete, the general wear is serious. Users are required to pay attention to avoid large hard objects or steel wires and other objects in the mixing cylinder when adding materials, and often maintain the mixing paddle; the possible causes of concrete mixing surface wear are micro vibration, sliding, impact, wear, corrosion, etc. This requires users to pay attention to avoid collision and keep the surface clean. The mixing bucket is often worn, which requires the user to clean the mixing bucket immediately after the end of work to prevent the concrete in the mixing bucket from setting.
  以上是中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家为大师先容的相干内容,想要领会更多内容,接待拜候网站:The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng concrete mixer for you. To learn more, please visit the website:
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若何削减中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 的磨损

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2020-03-10

  中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 利用普遍,在利用混凝土搅拌机时,磨损是不可避免的,磨损会影响装备的出产效力,以是在出产进程中最重要的一点便是尽能够削减混凝土搅拌机的磨损。
  Zhongke Jufeng concrete mixer is widely used. When using concrete mixer, abrasion is inevitable, which will affect the production efficiency of the equipment. Therefore, the most important point in the production process is to minimize the abrasion of concrete mixer.
  The first is the lubrication of concrete mixer. There are a lot of lubrication requirements. The method and quantity of lubricants are different. Sometimes, a new lubricant needs to be replaced. It also needs regular and quantitative fake lubricants. Users must understand these lubrication technologies to ensure the lubrication of concrete mixer.
  The easily worn parts of concrete mixer include vibrating screen, mixing blade, mixing surface and mixing drum. How to reduce the wear of these places? When the vibrating screen is worn and the vibrating bearing is worn, the user must select the high-quality bearing, the lubricating device must be reasonable, and the user must often lubricate the bearing; As the mixing paddle needs to mix concrete, the general wear is serious. Users are required to pay attention to avoid large hard objects or steel wires and other objects in the mixing cylinder when adding materials, and often maintain the mixing paddle; the possible causes of concrete mixing surface wear are micro vibration, sliding, impact, wear, corrosion, etc. This requires users to pay attention to avoid collision and keep the surface clean. The mixing bucket is often worn, which requires the user to clean the mixing bucket immediately after the end of work to prevent the concrete in the mixing bucket from setting.
  以上是中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家为大师先容的相干内容,想要领会更多内容,接待拜候网站:The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng concrete mixer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: