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洁净混凝土主动打金鱼 上的污垢须要注重甚么?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2021-08-27

First, prepare the emergency drive hose, shut down the machine, and then disconnect the high-pressure fuel pipe connector of the hydraulic motor.
Extinguish the flame, remove the high-pressure fuel pipe from the hydraulic motor and connect it to the corresponding connector on the failed vehicle using the emergency drive hose.
When the vehicle is started and the steering wheel is moved to the emission position, the unwanted air-fuel mixture in the vehicle will be discharged.
应急驱动器实现后,从混凝土主动打金鱼 上卸下并改换驱动器软管。
After the completion of the emergency drive, remove and replace the drive hose from the automatic concrete mixer.
在拖车和卡车之间安排一个木楔,以节制夹杂箱的扭转,遏制策念头并卸下液压马达的高压燃油管。夹杂桶能够自在扭转,扭转桶能够节制。是以,应使掩护孔朝下翻开掩护孔,并洁净混凝土主动打金鱼 的混凝土。卸载混凝土后,混凝土主动打金鱼 能够规复到其原始状况。
Place a wooden wedge between the trailer and the truck to control the rotation of the mixing tank, stop the engine and remove the high-pressure fuel pipe of the hydraulic motor. The mixing barrel can rotate freely, and the rotating barrel can be controlled. Therefore, the maintenance hole shall be opened with the maintenance hole facing down and the concrete of the automatic concrete mixer shall be cleaned. After unloading the concrete, the automatic concrete mixer can return to its original state.
本文由打鱼注册送分 友谊贡献.更多有关的常识请点击:http://zhaoyanfilter.com朴拙的立场.为您供给为周全的办事.更多有关的常识咱们将会连续向大师贡献.敬请等候.
This article is dedicated by the concrete mixer truck. For more information, please click: http://zhaoyanfilter.com Sincere attitude. To provide you with a comprehensive service. More relevant knowledge, we will continue to offer to you. Please look forward to it
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洁净混凝土主动打金鱼 上的污垢须要注重甚么?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2021-08-27

First, prepare the emergency drive hose, shut down the machine, and then disconnect the high-pressure fuel pipe connector of the hydraulic motor.
Extinguish the flame, remove the high-pressure fuel pipe from the hydraulic motor and connect it to the corresponding connector on the failed vehicle using the emergency drive hose.
When the vehicle is started and the steering wheel is moved to the emission position, the unwanted air-fuel mixture in the vehicle will be discharged.
应急驱动器实现后,从混凝土主动打金鱼 上卸下并改换驱动器软管。
After the completion of the emergency drive, remove and replace the drive hose from the automatic concrete mixer.
在拖车和卡车之间安排一个木楔,以节制夹杂箱的扭转,遏制策念头并卸下液压马达的高压燃油管。夹杂桶能够自在扭转,扭转桶能够节制。是以,应使掩护孔朝下翻开掩护孔,并洁净混凝土主动打金鱼 的混凝土。卸载混凝土后,混凝土主动打金鱼 能够规复到其原始状况。
Place a wooden wedge between the trailer and the truck to control the rotation of the mixing tank, stop the engine and remove the high-pressure fuel pipe of the hydraulic motor. The mixing barrel can rotate freely, and the rotating barrel can be controlled. Therefore, the maintenance hole shall be opened with the maintenance hole facing down and the concrete of the automatic concrete mixer shall be cleaned. After unloading the concrete, the automatic concrete mixer can return to its original state.
本文由打鱼注册送分 友谊贡献.更多有关的常识请点击:http://zhaoyanfilter.com朴拙的立场.为您供给为周全的办事.更多有关的常识咱们将会连续向大师贡献.敬请等候.
This article is dedicated by the concrete mixer truck. For more information, please click: http://zhaoyanfilter.com Sincere attitude. To provide you with a comprehensive service. More relevant knowledge, we will continue to offer to you. Please look forward to it