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打鱼注册送分 若何做好平常查抄及相干事变!

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-02-11

1.自上料打金鱼 ,天天查抄各动弹部位光滑点的任务环境,实时补给光滑油。
1. From the loading mixer truck, check the working conditions of the lubrication points of each rotating part every day and replenish the lubricating oil in time.
2.自上料打金鱼 ,天天查抄搅拌机光滑油杯内光滑油量,实时补给光滑油。
2. From the loading mixer, check the amount of lubricating oil in the lubricating oil cup of the mixer every day and replenish the lubricating oil in time.
3. Check the oil level of the oil atomizer on the air circuit system once a week and use lubricating oil with viscosity of 2.5 ~ 7 ° E.
4. Open the drain valve once a day before startup and after shutdown to discharge the condensed water in the air compressor and air storage tank.
5. Fasteners such as bolts and nuts should be checked weekly for looseness. If looseness is found, they must be tightened in time, especially some parts under variable amplitude load.
6. Regularly check whether the equipment of water supply, gas supply and admixture system is normal every day.
7. Check whether the electrical control system and instruments are normal every day.
8. Check whether the mixing shaft and the whole of the mixer are clean every day. If there is too much concrete on the mixing shaft, it must be cleaned manually.
9.每半年清算或改换粉料罐除尘器中的过滤网。清算粉料罐除尘器中的过滤网时不能水洗,只能用气吹或软毛刷清算。自上料打金鱼 ,若停机时候跨越一周以上的,必须放空各计量斗内的物料,如水泥、水、外加剂及各类骨料,并洗濯搅拌主机,出料斗等处,以避免物料板结。
9. Clean or replace the filter screen in the dust collector of the powder tank every six months. When cleaning the filter screen in the dust remover of the powder tank, it cannot be washed with water, but can only be cleaned with air blowing or soft bristle brush. If the shutdown time of the self loading mixer exceeds one week, the materials in each metering bucket, such as cement, water, admixture and various aggregates, must be emptied, and the mixing host and discharge hopper must be cleaned to avoid material hardening.
上便是明天打鱼注册送分200元 为您供给的资讯分享,更多的出色内容请存眷咱们的网站:http://zhaoyanfilter.com,会有更多的内容为您显现。
The above is the information sharing provided by today's automatic concrete mixer. For more wonderful contents, please pay attention to our website: http://zhaoyanfilter.com , there will be more content for you.
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tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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打鱼注册送分 若何做好平常查抄及相干事变!

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-02-11

1.自上料打金鱼 ,天天查抄各动弹部位光滑点的任务环境,实时补给光滑油。
1. From the loading mixer truck, check the working conditions of the lubrication points of each rotating part every day and replenish the lubricating oil in time.
2.自上料打金鱼 ,天天查抄搅拌机光滑油杯内光滑油量,实时补给光滑油。
2. From the loading mixer, check the amount of lubricating oil in the lubricating oil cup of the mixer every day and replenish the lubricating oil in time.
3. Check the oil level of the oil atomizer on the air circuit system once a week and use lubricating oil with viscosity of 2.5 ~ 7 ° E.
4. Open the drain valve once a day before startup and after shutdown to discharge the condensed water in the air compressor and air storage tank.
5. Fasteners such as bolts and nuts should be checked weekly for looseness. If looseness is found, they must be tightened in time, especially some parts under variable amplitude load.
6. Regularly check whether the equipment of water supply, gas supply and admixture system is normal every day.
7. Check whether the electrical control system and instruments are normal every day.
8. Check whether the mixing shaft and the whole of the mixer are clean every day. If there is too much concrete on the mixing shaft, it must be cleaned manually.
9.每半年清算或改换粉料罐除尘器中的过滤网。清算粉料罐除尘器中的过滤网时不能水洗,只能用气吹或软毛刷清算。自上料打金鱼 ,若停机时候跨越一周以上的,必须放空各计量斗内的物料,如水泥、水、外加剂及各类骨料,并洗濯搅拌主机,出料斗等处,以避免物料板结。
9. Clean or replace the filter screen in the dust collector of the powder tank every six months. When cleaning the filter screen in the dust remover of the powder tank, it cannot be washed with water, but can only be cleaned with air blowing or soft bristle brush. If the shutdown time of the self loading mixer exceeds one week, the materials in each metering bucket, such as cement, water, admixture and various aggregates, must be emptied, and the mixing host and discharge hopper must be cleaned to avoid material hardening.
上便是明天打鱼注册送分200元 为您供给的资讯分享,更多的出色内容请存眷咱们的网站:http://zhaoyanfilter.com,会有更多的内容为您显现。
The above is the information sharing provided by today's automatic concrete mixer. For more wonderful contents, please pay attention to our website: http://zhaoyanfilter.com , there will be more content for you.