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打鱼提现app 操纵办理和操纵细节

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-05-20

拟定打鱼提现app 运转办理规范体系是保障打鱼提现app 一般运转的条件。接上去简略聊聊打鱼提现app 操纵办理和操纵细节的相干内容吧。
Formulating the operation management standard system of automatic mixer truck is the premise to ensure the normal operation of automatic mixer truck. Next, let's talk about the operation management and operation details of the automatic mixer.
打鱼提现app 应由颠末严酷查抄获得操纵证的职员操纵。他们领会搅拌站的布局机能和搅拌进程,和搅拌站的操纵和掩护。
The full-automatic mixer shall be operated by personnel who have passed strict inspection and obtained the operation certificate. They understand the structure, performance and mixing process of the mixing plant, as well as the operation and maintenance of the mixing plant.
在操纵打鱼提现app 之前,按照须要设置装备摆设打鱼提现app ,如挪动式皮带保送机、装载机、水泥仓等,可外接搅拌站电源箱遏制主动节制。
Before operating the full-automatic mixer, the full-automatic mixer, such as mobile belt conveyor, loader, cement bin, etc., can be configured as required, which can be connected to the power box of the mixing plant for active control.
打鱼提现app 的操纵应按划定的操纵规程遏制操纵,是以应服膺节制面板上各按钮、旋钮及唆使灯的感化,并谙练操纵。
The operation of the buttons and the indicator lights on the mixer shall be carried out skillfully, and the operation shall be carried out according to the specified operation procedures.
After opening the button switch, light up the display screen first, and then start the motor. After the air compressor is started, it is necessary to wait for the air pressure to rise above 0.4MPa before metering, exhaust and other operations.
During manual weighing, sand and stone shall be weighed with weighing equipment, and the cumulative value will be displayed on the flash screen. During manual or automatic measurement, if it is found that the number of the flasher does not jump or the pointer on the reading board does not rotate, it indicates that the weighing encounters obstacles. Press the "vibrator" button to operate the vibrator.
Only safe and reasonable equipment operation can improve the performance of the equipment. Carefully check the condition of the vehicle before driving to ensure that the vehicle can drive safely.
打鱼提现app 停放在室外时,必须在颠倒搅拌桶前加满水排干,以保障混凝土的品质。
When the full-automatic mixer is parked outdoors, it must be filled with water and drained in front of the inverted mixer to ensure the quality of concrete.
When transporting concrete, please ensure that the chute is firmly installed to prevent shaking due to looseness, and ensure that pedestrians may be injured during driving, affecting the normal operation of other vehicles.
打鱼提现app 保送混凝土的时候不得跨越搅拌站划定的时候。在混凝土运输进程中,不要永劫候遏制搅拌筒,以避免混凝土分手。司机合时刻存眷具体环境,若有非常应告诉主控室并请求医治。
The time for the full-automatic mixer to transport concrete shall not exceed the time specified in the mixing plant. During concrete transportation, do not stop the mixing drum for a long time to prevent concrete separation. The driver should always pay attention to the specific situation. In case of any abnormality, he should notify the main control room and apply for treatment.
If the vehicle is loaded with concrete, the parking time on site shall not exceed 1 hour. If the timeout expires, the site representative must take immediate action.
For more detailed information, please visit zhaoyanfilter.com Com for consultation!
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打鱼提现app 操纵办理和操纵细节

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-05-20

拟定打鱼提现app 运转办理规范体系是保障打鱼提现app 一般运转的条件。接上去简略聊聊打鱼提现app 操纵办理和操纵细节的相干内容吧。
Formulating the operation management standard system of automatic mixer truck is the premise to ensure the normal operation of automatic mixer truck. Next, let's talk about the operation management and operation details of the automatic mixer.
打鱼提现app 应由颠末严酷查抄获得操纵证的职员操纵。他们领会搅拌站的布局机能和搅拌进程,和搅拌站的操纵和掩护。
The full-automatic mixer shall be operated by personnel who have passed strict inspection and obtained the operation certificate. They understand the structure, performance and mixing process of the mixing plant, as well as the operation and maintenance of the mixing plant.
在操纵打鱼提现app 之前,按照须要设置装备摆设打鱼提现app ,如挪动式皮带保送机、装载机、水泥仓等,可外接搅拌站电源箱遏制主动节制。
Before operating the full-automatic mixer, the full-automatic mixer, such as mobile belt conveyor, loader, cement bin, etc., can be configured as required, which can be connected to the power box of the mixing plant for active control.
打鱼提现app 的操纵应按划定的操纵规程遏制操纵,是以应服膺节制面板上各按钮、旋钮及唆使灯的感化,并谙练操纵。
The operation of the buttons and the indicator lights on the mixer shall be carried out skillfully, and the operation shall be carried out according to the specified operation procedures.
After opening the button switch, light up the display screen first, and then start the motor. After the air compressor is started, it is necessary to wait for the air pressure to rise above 0.4MPa before metering, exhaust and other operations.
During manual weighing, sand and stone shall be weighed with weighing equipment, and the cumulative value will be displayed on the flash screen. During manual or automatic measurement, if it is found that the number of the flasher does not jump or the pointer on the reading board does not rotate, it indicates that the weighing encounters obstacles. Press the "vibrator" button to operate the vibrator.
Only safe and reasonable equipment operation can improve the performance of the equipment. Carefully check the condition of the vehicle before driving to ensure that the vehicle can drive safely.
打鱼提现app 停放在室外时,必须在颠倒搅拌桶前加满水排干,以保障混凝土的品质。
When the full-automatic mixer is parked outdoors, it must be filled with water and drained in front of the inverted mixer to ensure the quality of concrete.
When transporting concrete, please ensure that the chute is firmly installed to prevent shaking due to looseness, and ensure that pedestrians may be injured during driving, affecting the normal operation of other vehicles.
打鱼提现app 保送混凝土的时候不得跨越搅拌站划定的时候。在混凝土运输进程中,不要永劫候遏制搅拌筒,以避免混凝土分手。司机合时刻存眷具体环境,若有非常应告诉主控室并请求医治。
The time for the full-automatic mixer to transport concrete shall not exceed the time specified in the mixing plant. During concrete transportation, do not stop the mixing drum for a long time to prevent concrete separation. The driver should always pay attention to the specific situation. In case of any abnormality, he should notify the main control room and apply for treatment.
If the vehicle is loaded with concrete, the parking time on site shall not exceed 1 hour. If the timeout expires, the site representative must take immediate action.
For more detailed information, please visit zhaoyanfilter.com Com for consultation!