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打鱼注册送分 的调试前提和掩护

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-07-06

打鱼注册送分 普遍用于根本、灌桩、楼板、路面、场坪、护坡、水沟、河流、桥梁、涵洞、地道、中小型水库等中小型工程。为了更好的利用装备,用户们在采办装备时必须要对企业的产物机能、品质及办事作深切领会,才会免去后顾之忧,那末用户们在验收混凝土搅拌,那末装备调试时必须具有以下前提:
Concrete mixers are widely used in small and medium-sized projects such as foundations, grouting piles, floors, pavements, yards, revetments, ditches, rivers, bridges, culverts, tunnels, small and medium-sized reservoirs, etc. In order to better use the equipment, users must have an in-depth understanding of the product performance, quality and service of the enterprise when purchasing the equipment, so as to avoid worries at home. Then users must have the following conditions when accepting concrete mixing, and the equipment commissioning:
1. All parts, accessories and accompanying items of the equipment to be commissioned shall be fully equipped according to the standard.
2. Prepare hydraulic oil and lubricating grease, and the oil quality of hydraulic oil should meet the requirements.
3. Fill hydraulic oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil and cooling water as required, and add hydraulic oil to the specified oil level.
4. The concrete pump shall be inspected, debugged and test run to make it enter the normal operation condition. The hydraulic system shall meet the standard after debugging.
5、调试用打鱼注册送分 管管路管径为125。
5. The pipe diameter of concrete mixer truck for commissioning is 125.
6. The experimental concrete shall meet the standard.
7. The equipment shall be placed on a flat and solid ground. In addition to strict inspection when purchasing products, users are also indispensable and necessary work in daily maintenance, so as to achieve the ideal effect of easy use and longer service life in the process of operation.
In addition, routine maintenance work should also be done well, such as:
1.打金鱼 策念头利用方式,电压几多,频次几多,才可以或许或许启念头电。启动电源,而后策动柴油机,怠速运行炎天5分钟。冬季15分钟后,升速至电压400V,频次50Hz。合上发机电空开
1. The motor can be started only after the use method, voltage and frequency of the mixer engine. Start the power supply, then start the diesel engine and idle for 5 minutes in summer. After 15 minutes in winter, speed up to 400V and 50Hz. Close the generator air switch
2.打金鱼 调剂切割环空隙,切割环空隙过大会致使堵S管和锥管。在料斗前方,有一个牢固摇臂的大螺母,松开螺母锁片,用扳手拧死,而后再退回四分之一圈。装好锁片便可。
2. The mixer adjusts the clearance of the cutting ring, and the excessive clearance of the cutting ring will lead to the blockage of S pipe and cone pipe. At the back of the hopper, there is a big nut to fix the rocker arm. Loosen the nut lock, screw it with a wrench, and then return it for a quarter of a turn. Install the locking plate.
3.打金鱼 光滑体系毛病判定,光滑体系堵死,会致使分派器阀芯不举措,共有8个光滑点,若是分派器不举措,先查抄主进油铜管是不是通顺,不通顺则是光滑泵堵死。通顺则将8跟铜管顺次拆掉,没拆一根泵送7,8次,看分派器阀芯是不是举措。来判定是哪个光滑点堵死。
3. Judging the failure of the lubrication system of the mixer truck, if the lubrication system is blocked, the distributor valve core will not act. There are 8 lubrication points in total. If the distributor does not act, first check whether the main oil inlet copper pipe is unblocked. If it is not unblocked, the lubrication pump is blocked. If it is unblocked, remove 8 copper pipes in turn, and pump 7 or 8 times without removing one to see whether the valve core of the distributor acts. To determine which lubrication point is blocked.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.
上一篇:打鱼提现app 策念头预热前的查抄
下一篇:打金鱼 运输车频发交通变乱之车辆自身身分
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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打鱼注册送分 的调试前提和掩护

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-07-06

打鱼注册送分 普遍用于根本、灌桩、楼板、路面、场坪、护坡、水沟、河流、桥梁、涵洞、地道、中小型水库等中小型工程。为了更好的利用装备,用户们在采办装备时必须要对企业的产物机能、品质及办事作深切领会,才会免去后顾之忧,那末用户们在验收混凝土搅拌,那末装备调试时必须具有以下前提:
Concrete mixers are widely used in small and medium-sized projects such as foundations, grouting piles, floors, pavements, yards, revetments, ditches, rivers, bridges, culverts, tunnels, small and medium-sized reservoirs, etc. In order to better use the equipment, users must have an in-depth understanding of the product performance, quality and service of the enterprise when purchasing the equipment, so as to avoid worries at home. Then users must have the following conditions when accepting concrete mixing, and the equipment commissioning:
1. All parts, accessories and accompanying items of the equipment to be commissioned shall be fully equipped according to the standard.
2. Prepare hydraulic oil and lubricating grease, and the oil quality of hydraulic oil should meet the requirements.
3. Fill hydraulic oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil and cooling water as required, and add hydraulic oil to the specified oil level.
4. The concrete pump shall be inspected, debugged and test run to make it enter the normal operation condition. The hydraulic system shall meet the standard after debugging.
5、调试用打鱼注册送分 管管路管径为125。
5. The pipe diameter of concrete mixer truck for commissioning is 125.
6. The experimental concrete shall meet the standard.
7. The equipment shall be placed on a flat and solid ground. In addition to strict inspection when purchasing products, users are also indispensable and necessary work in daily maintenance, so as to achieve the ideal effect of easy use and longer service life in the process of operation.
In addition, routine maintenance work should also be done well, such as:
1.打金鱼 策念头利用方式,电压几多,频次几多,才可以或许或许启念头电。启动电源,而后策动柴油机,怠速运行炎天5分钟。冬季15分钟后,升速至电压400V,频次50Hz。合上发机电空开
1. The motor can be started only after the use method, voltage and frequency of the mixer engine. Start the power supply, then start the diesel engine and idle for 5 minutes in summer. After 15 minutes in winter, speed up to 400V and 50Hz. Close the generator air switch
2.打金鱼 调剂切割环空隙,切割环空隙过大会致使堵S管和锥管。在料斗前方,有一个牢固摇臂的大螺母,松开螺母锁片,用扳手拧死,而后再退回四分之一圈。装好锁片便可。
2. The mixer adjusts the clearance of the cutting ring, and the excessive clearance of the cutting ring will lead to the blockage of S pipe and cone pipe. At the back of the hopper, there is a big nut to fix the rocker arm. Loosen the nut lock, screw it with a wrench, and then return it for a quarter of a turn. Install the locking plate.
3.打金鱼 光滑体系毛病判定,光滑体系堵死,会致使分派器阀芯不举措,共有8个光滑点,若是分派器不举措,先查抄主进油铜管是不是通顺,不通顺则是光滑泵堵死。通顺则将8跟铜管顺次拆掉,没拆一根泵送7,8次,看分派器阀芯是不是举措。来判定是哪个光滑点堵死。
3. Judging the failure of the lubrication system of the mixer truck, if the lubrication system is blocked, the distributor valve core will not act. There are 8 lubrication points in total. If the distributor does not act, first check whether the main oil inlet copper pipe is unblocked. If it is not unblocked, the lubrication pump is blocked. If it is unblocked, remove 8 copper pipes in turn, and pump 7 or 8 times without removing one to see whether the valve core of the distributor acts. To determine which lubrication point is blocked.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.