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对于打金鱼 部件的罕见题目及处置

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-08-15

伴跟着因疫情影响而从头迸发了大基建海潮,混凝土运输成为当下世态炎凉的运输任务之一,不只动员了打鱼注册送分 的销量,也吸收了一大波人插手到基建运输行业当中。上面为了更好的领会它,来对对于打金鱼 部件的罕见题目及处置领会吧。
With the re outbreak of the wave of large-scale infrastructure construction due to the impact of the epidemic, concrete transportation has become one of the hottest transportation tasks at present, not only driving the sales of concrete mixer trucks, but also attracting a large number of people to join the infrastructure transportation industry. Next, in order to better understand it, let's learn about the common problems and treatment of mixer truck parts.
一、打鱼注册送分 拖轮是干甚么的?
1、 What is the tug of concrete mixer?
打金鱼 拖轮是个轴承,用于把罐体撑持起来,与打金鱼 是一体的,帮助搅拌。
The mixer trailer is a bearing, which is used to support the tank and is integrated with the mixer to assist mixing.
二、打金鱼 拖轮是干甚么的?
2、 What is the tug of the mixer?
Generally, it is not recommended to replace it by yourself. Go directly to the after-sales point to find a special person to replace it. The oil used must meet the requirements, otherwise the equipment will be greatly damaged and the service life will be greatly shortened. WordStr the hydraulic oil with a reasonable grade.
三、打鱼注册送分 罐体添补率跟罐体倾角有甚么干系?
3、 What is the relationship between the filling rate of the concrete mixer tank and the inclination of the tank?
今朝打金鱼 倾角在12度摆布,添补率为百分之六十三摆布,倾角不好丈量,添补率也很难计较。今朝发卖的打金鱼 都以有用的搅拌容积为准。
At present, the inclination angle of the mixer truck is about 12 degrees, and the filling rate is about 63%. It is difficult to measure the inclination angle and calculate the filling rate. The mixer trucks sold at present are subject to the useful mixing volume.
四、打鱼注册送分 罐不转,转开了没力而液压油从邮箱加油口喷出来是甚么缘由?
4、 What is the reason why the concrete mixer tank does not rotate and the hydraulic oil is sprayed out from the oil filler of the mailbox?
The hydraulic pressure goes in and out one by one. It may be that the sealing part of the oil pump is broken. The oil return is flushed. It may be that the sealing foot pad of the oil pump is damaged.
五、打金鱼 搅拌筒的转速是几多?
5、 What is the speed of the mixing drum of the mixer truck?
The rotating speed of the mixing drum during feeding is 6-10 rpm; Speed of mixing drum during mixing: 6-10 rpm.
六、8--12方的打鱼注册送分 进料口到空中间隔是几多?
6、 What is the distance from the feed port of 8-12 m3 concrete mixer truck to the ground?
普通8--12方的打金鱼 整车高度大要在3.8米摆布,进料口间隔空中就有3.5米摆布,详细的按照差别的车型来定。
Generally, the height of 8-12 square meters mixer truck is about 3.8 meters, and the distance between the feed inlet and the ground is about 3.5 meters, depending on different models.
七、打金鱼 如何洗濯罐?
7、 How does the mixer clean the tank?
打金鱼 配的水箱,每次卸完料后就应当将水放入罐内,在前往时搅拌利用,到搅拌站后再将水排挤接料。罐体表面应当在水箱加水时便可趁便洗濯。固然也能够间接用水箱内的水洗濯。若是水泥浆已凝结,罐体内找特地的清罐,表面凝结用草酸洗擦就好了。
For the water tank equipped with the mixer truck, the water shall be put into the tank after unloading each time, and the water shall be mixed when returning, and then discharged to the mixing station to receive the materials. The surface of the tank should be cleaned when the water tank is filled with water. Of course, it can also be directly cleaned with water in the water tank. If the cement slurry has set, find a special cleaning tank in the tank, and brush the surface with oxalic acid.
In addition, as a driver, you should always observe whether the can is rotating through the rear-view mirror, and adjust the speed as slow as possible. If the speed is too high, the vehicle is easy to swing. Although you have been careful at all times, there are still many accidents, so safe driving is very important. For more information, please visit our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult.
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对于打金鱼 部件的罕见题目及处置

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-08-15

伴跟着因疫情影响而从头迸发了大基建海潮,混凝土运输成为当下世态炎凉的运输任务之一,不只动员了打鱼注册送分 的销量,也吸收了一大波人插手到基建运输行业当中。上面为了更好的领会它,来对对于打金鱼 部件的罕见题目及处置领会吧。
With the re outbreak of the wave of large-scale infrastructure construction due to the impact of the epidemic, concrete transportation has become one of the hottest transportation tasks at present, not only driving the sales of concrete mixer trucks, but also attracting a large number of people to join the infrastructure transportation industry. Next, in order to better understand it, let's learn about the common problems and treatment of mixer truck parts.
一、打鱼注册送分 拖轮是干甚么的?
1、 What is the tug of concrete mixer?
打金鱼 拖轮是个轴承,用于把罐体撑持起来,与打金鱼 是一体的,帮助搅拌。
The mixer trailer is a bearing, which is used to support the tank and is integrated with the mixer to assist mixing.
二、打金鱼 拖轮是干甚么的?
2、 What is the tug of the mixer?
Generally, it is not recommended to replace it by yourself. Go directly to the after-sales point to find a special person to replace it. The oil used must meet the requirements, otherwise the equipment will be greatly damaged and the service life will be greatly shortened. WordStr the hydraulic oil with a reasonable grade.
三、打鱼注册送分 罐体添补率跟罐体倾角有甚么干系?
3、 What is the relationship between the filling rate of the concrete mixer tank and the inclination of the tank?
今朝打金鱼 倾角在12度摆布,添补率为百分之六十三摆布,倾角不好丈量,添补率也很难计较。今朝发卖的打金鱼 都以有用的搅拌容积为准。
At present, the inclination angle of the mixer truck is about 12 degrees, and the filling rate is about 63%. It is difficult to measure the inclination angle and calculate the filling rate. The mixer trucks sold at present are subject to the useful mixing volume.
四、打鱼注册送分 罐不转,转开了没力而液压油从邮箱加油口喷出来是甚么缘由?
4、 What is the reason why the concrete mixer tank does not rotate and the hydraulic oil is sprayed out from the oil filler of the mailbox?
The hydraulic pressure goes in and out one by one. It may be that the sealing part of the oil pump is broken. The oil return is flushed. It may be that the sealing foot pad of the oil pump is damaged.
五、打金鱼 搅拌筒的转速是几多?
5、 What is the speed of the mixing drum of the mixer truck?
The rotating speed of the mixing drum during feeding is 6-10 rpm; Speed of mixing drum during mixing: 6-10 rpm.
六、8--12方的打鱼注册送分 进料口到空中间隔是几多?
6、 What is the distance from the feed port of 8-12 m3 concrete mixer truck to the ground?
普通8--12方的打金鱼 整车高度大要在3.8米摆布,进料口间隔空中就有3.5米摆布,详细的按照差别的车型来定。
Generally, the height of 8-12 square meters mixer truck is about 3.8 meters, and the distance between the feed inlet and the ground is about 3.5 meters, depending on different models.
七、打金鱼 如何洗濯罐?
7、 How does the mixer clean the tank?
打金鱼 配的水箱,每次卸完料后就应当将水放入罐内,在前往时搅拌利用,到搅拌站后再将水排挤接料。罐体表面应当在水箱加水时便可趁便洗濯。固然也能够间接用水箱内的水洗濯。若是水泥浆已凝结,罐体内找特地的清罐,表面凝结用草酸洗擦就好了。
For the water tank equipped with the mixer truck, the water shall be put into the tank after unloading each time, and the water shall be mixed when returning, and then discharged to the mixing station to receive the materials. The surface of the tank should be cleaned when the water tank is filled with water. Of course, it can also be directly cleaned with water in the water tank. If the cement slurry has set, find a special cleaning tank in the tank, and brush the surface with oxalic acid.
In addition, as a driver, you should always observe whether the can is rotating through the rear-view mirror, and adjust the speed as slow as possible. If the speed is too high, the vehicle is easy to swing. Although you have been careful at all times, there are still many accidents, so safe driving is very important. For more information, please visit our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult.