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多功效混凝土运输打金鱼 罐子不转的缘由

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2020-02-28

  利用多功效混凝土运输打金鱼 ,不可防止的会呈现罐子不转的景象,那末这是甚么缘由呢?咱们须要查抄哪些局部?上面中科聚峰公司小编为您具体先容一下。
  The use of multi-functional concrete transport mixer will inevitably lead to the phenomenon that the tank doesn't rotate, so what's the reason? What parts do we need to check? The following is a detailed introduction of Zhongke Jufeng company.
  1. 引擎毛病(不是不能够,隆隆的声响);
  1. Engine failure (not impossible, rumbling sound);2. 查抄液压油是不是泄露(用破管改换油管,用破密封改换油封);3、查抄多功效搅拌混凝土运输汽车散热器电扇反过去,怀特液压油乳化:不,液压油温度跨越90度,液压体系,不压力,罐不转(这类环境不要焦急,冷却水液压泵,液压马达,液压油温度、jar能够扭转。掏出资料,牢固散热器或改换液压油);4. 传动轴破坏破坏10个字节(a破坏应当即改换传动轴;B传动轴ok);5. 在运输进程中,我不注重。jar停了!混凝土掉出来了,罐子翻不了。
  2. Check whether the hydraulic oil leaks (replace the oil pipe with a broken pipe and replace the oil seal with a broken seal); 3. Check the radiator fan of the multi-functional mixing concrete transport vehicle, in turn, white hydraulic oil emulsification: No, the hydraulic oil temperature exceeds 90 degrees, the hydraulic system, there is no pressure, and the tank does not rotate (in this case, do not worry, the cooling water hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, hydraulic oil temperature, jar can rotate). Take out the material, fix the radiator or replace the hydraulic oil); 4. The transmission shaft is damaged and damaged by 10 bytes (if a is damaged, replace the transmission shaft immediately; B is OK); 5. I didn't pay attention to it during the transportation. Jar stopped! The concrete fell in and the jar couldn't be turned over.
  6. 液压泵破坏(环境比拟庞杂,腹泻严峻,其余破坏);以上6种环境呈现,而混凝土不凝,液压马达、加速机无毛病,可接纳应急装配,用另外一台多功效混凝土运输搅拌机的液压泵驱动液压马达动弹便可,混凝土放出来,再检验!
  6. The hydraulic pump is damaged (the situation is complex, diarrhea is serious, and other damages); the above six situations occur, but the concrete is not coagulated, and the hydraulic motor and reducer are free of faults. The emergency device can be used. The hydraulic pump of another multi-functional concrete transportation mixer can drive the hydraulic motor to rotate, and the concrete can be put out for maintenance!
  以上是中科聚峰混凝土运输打金鱼 厂家为大师先容的相干内容,想要领会更多内容,接待拜候网站:The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng concrete transport mixer for you. To learn more, please visit the website:
上一篇:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 差别场景下的刹车技能
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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多功效混凝土运输打金鱼 罐子不转的缘由

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2020-02-28

  利用多功效混凝土运输打金鱼 ,不可防止的会呈现罐子不转的景象,那末这是甚么缘由呢?咱们须要查抄哪些局部?上面中科聚峰公司小编为您具体先容一下。
  The use of multi-functional concrete transport mixer will inevitably lead to the phenomenon that the tank doesn't rotate, so what's the reason? What parts do we need to check? The following is a detailed introduction of Zhongke Jufeng company.
  1. 引擎毛病(不是不能够,隆隆的声响);
  1. Engine failure (not impossible, rumbling sound);2. 查抄液压油是不是泄露(用破管改换油管,用破密封改换油封);3、查抄多功效搅拌混凝土运输汽车散热器电扇反过去,怀特液压油乳化:不,液压油温度跨越90度,液压体系,不压力,罐不转(这类环境不要焦急,冷却水液压泵,液压马达,液压油温度、jar能够扭转。掏出资料,牢固散热器或改换液压油);4. 传动轴破坏破坏10个字节(a破坏应当即改换传动轴;B传动轴ok);5. 在运输进程中,我不注重。jar停了!混凝土掉出来了,罐子翻不了。
  2. Check whether the hydraulic oil leaks (replace the oil pipe with a broken pipe and replace the oil seal with a broken seal); 3. Check the radiator fan of the multi-functional mixing concrete transport vehicle, in turn, white hydraulic oil emulsification: No, the hydraulic oil temperature exceeds 90 degrees, the hydraulic system, there is no pressure, and the tank does not rotate (in this case, do not worry, the cooling water hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, hydraulic oil temperature, jar can rotate). Take out the material, fix the radiator or replace the hydraulic oil); 4. The transmission shaft is damaged and damaged by 10 bytes (if a is damaged, replace the transmission shaft immediately; B is OK); 5. I didn't pay attention to it during the transportation. Jar stopped! The concrete fell in and the jar couldn't be turned over.
  6. 液压泵破坏(环境比拟庞杂,腹泻严峻,其余破坏);以上6种环境呈现,而混凝土不凝,液压马达、加速机无毛病,可接纳应急装配,用另外一台多功效混凝土运输搅拌机的液压泵驱动液压马达动弹便可,混凝土放出来,再检验!
  6. The hydraulic pump is damaged (the situation is complex, diarrhea is serious, and other damages); the above six situations occur, but the concrete is not coagulated, and the hydraulic motor and reducer are free of faults. The emergency device can be used. The hydraulic pump of another multi-functional concrete transportation mixer can drive the hydraulic motor to rotate, and the concrete can be put out for maintenance!
  以上是中科聚峰混凝土运输打金鱼 厂家为大师先容的相干内容,想要领会更多内容,接待拜候网站:The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng concrete transport mixer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: