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处理注册送200可提现的打鱼 散热体系方式有哪些?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2021-03-18

1. Check the safety switch:
打金鱼 是经由进程液压传动体系来驱动罐体的,液压油散热体系中最轻易呈现毛病的便是保险开关,是以在毛病产生后,最好第临时辰查抄保险开关。
Mixer is driven by hydraulic transmission system, the most prone to failure in the hydraulic oil cooling system is the safety switch, so after the failure, it is best to check the safety switch at the first time.
2. Check the drive fan:
The motor is the most critical component in the whole heat dissipation system. The good or bad heat dissipation effect is directly related to the speed of the motor and the stable running state. It is directly powered by the electric control box connected to the vehicle battery, and uses the electric power to drive the motor to run at high speed to take away the amount of heat from the heat exchanger and cool the hydraulic oil.
3. Check the heat exchanger:
打金鱼 操纵液压油散热器来停止降温。热互换器上装有机电驱动电扇停止散热,让液压油普通任务,下面的机器式指针经由进程检测管路傍边的负压,若是呈现读数证实液压油滤清器能够呈现梗塞,刚起头呈现的时辰只要要拔掉下面的橡胶指针归零,若是前面还呈现念书且拔掉橡胶塞以后还处理不了的话,就须要改换液压油滤芯了。
Mixer truck uses hydraulic oil radiator to cool down. The heat exchanger is equipped with a motor-driven fan to dissipate heat, so that the hydraulic oil can work normally. The mechanical pointer on the top detects the negative pressure in the pipeline. If the reading indicates that the hydraulic oil filter may be blocked, just pull out the rubber pointer to zero at the beginning. If there is still a reading behind and the problem can not be solved after pulling out the rubber plug, The hydraulic oil filter element needs to be replaced.
4. Check the thermal sensor:
温度传感器位于热互换器的进油管上,它的感化便是检测液压油的温度,打金鱼 散热体系产生毛病后,若是确认不是保险的题目,那就查抄温度传感器。
The temperature sensor is located on the oil inlet pipe of the heat exchanger. Its function is to detect the temperature of the hydraulic oil. After the heat dissipation system of the mixer fails, if it is confirmed that it is not the insurance problem, check the temperature sensor.
5. Check the radiator control box:
The cooling control box monitors and receives the signal from the temperature sensor. When the temperature data exceeds the set value, the circuit of the cooling fan is automatically connected to let the air flow and reduce the temperature of the hydraulic oil. Therefore, after the cooling control box is damaged, the cooling system can not work normally and needs to be replaced in time. Generally, the radiator control box is not easy to be damaged.
夏日要注重打鱼注册送分 的散热体系,车辆一旦呈现毛病,迟误卸料,混凝土很能够会在罐体内部凝结,那就费事了。
In summer, we should pay attention to the heat dissipation system of concrete mixer. Once the vehicle fails and the discharge is delayed, the concrete is likely to solidify inside the tank, which is troublesome.
上一篇:小型打金鱼 哪些部位是不能颐养的?
下一篇:注册送200可提现的打鱼 在任务中要查抄甚么?
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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处理注册送200可提现的打鱼 散热体系方式有哪些?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2021-03-18

1. Check the safety switch:
打金鱼 是经由进程液压传动体系来驱动罐体的,液压油散热体系中最轻易呈现毛病的便是保险开关,是以在毛病产生后,最好第临时辰查抄保险开关。
Mixer is driven by hydraulic transmission system, the most prone to failure in the hydraulic oil cooling system is the safety switch, so after the failure, it is best to check the safety switch at the first time.
2. Check the drive fan:
The motor is the most critical component in the whole heat dissipation system. The good or bad heat dissipation effect is directly related to the speed of the motor and the stable running state. It is directly powered by the electric control box connected to the vehicle battery, and uses the electric power to drive the motor to run at high speed to take away the amount of heat from the heat exchanger and cool the hydraulic oil.
3. Check the heat exchanger:
打金鱼 操纵液压油散热器来停止降温。热互换器上装有机电驱动电扇停止散热,让液压油普通任务,下面的机器式指针经由进程检测管路傍边的负压,若是呈现读数证实液压油滤清器能够呈现梗塞,刚起头呈现的时辰只要要拔掉下面的橡胶指针归零,若是前面还呈现念书且拔掉橡胶塞以后还处理不了的话,就须要改换液压油滤芯了。
Mixer truck uses hydraulic oil radiator to cool down. The heat exchanger is equipped with a motor-driven fan to dissipate heat, so that the hydraulic oil can work normally. The mechanical pointer on the top detects the negative pressure in the pipeline. If the reading indicates that the hydraulic oil filter may be blocked, just pull out the rubber pointer to zero at the beginning. If there is still a reading behind and the problem can not be solved after pulling out the rubber plug, The hydraulic oil filter element needs to be replaced.
4. Check the thermal sensor:
温度传感器位于热互换器的进油管上,它的感化便是检测液压油的温度,打金鱼 散热体系产生毛病后,若是确认不是保险的题目,那就查抄温度传感器。
The temperature sensor is located on the oil inlet pipe of the heat exchanger. Its function is to detect the temperature of the hydraulic oil. After the heat dissipation system of the mixer fails, if it is confirmed that it is not the insurance problem, check the temperature sensor.
5. Check the radiator control box:
The cooling control box monitors and receives the signal from the temperature sensor. When the temperature data exceeds the set value, the circuit of the cooling fan is automatically connected to let the air flow and reduce the temperature of the hydraulic oil. Therefore, after the cooling control box is damaged, the cooling system can not work normally and needs to be replaced in time. Generally, the radiator control box is not easy to be damaged.
夏日要注重打鱼注册送分 的散热体系,车辆一旦呈现毛病,迟误卸料,混凝土很能够会在罐体内部凝结,那就费事了。
In summer, we should pay attention to the heat dissipation system of concrete mixer. Once the vehicle fails and the discharge is delayed, the concrete is likely to solidify inside the tank, which is troublesome.