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新款打金鱼 中“欣喜不时”

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2021-11-12

新款打金鱼 中驾驶室外壳接纳全新材质
The cab shell of the new mixer is made of new materials
Impact and corrosion resistance
High stability, stronger heat insulation and noise insulation effect
In the hot summer, the air conditioner is turned on and the cool wind is blowing in the cab
With a strong sense of happiness, the operation is more powerful and energetic, and the efficiency is greatly improved
Perhaps you will sigh that in the past, there were seven or eight workers shoveling, loading and transportation under the scorching sun
It's gone forever
同时,新款打金鱼 驾驶室的操纵台进级为一体式
At the same time, the console of the cab of the new mixer truck is upgraded to an integrated type
Oil temperature, water pressure, body speed and other important values are clear at a glance
The floor at the bottom of the cab is made of manganese steel plate, which is solid
It greatly improves the shaking instability in mountain walking and climbing
功课进程中一直安定有加,打金鱼 的操纵机能进一步晋升
The operation process is always stable, and the operation performance of the mixer truck is further improved
As we all know, in mechanical vehicles, seats affect the comfort of operation and the fatigue strength of drivers
A good seat can bring a suitable sitting posture for the driver, which is related to the safety of operation
在新款的打金鱼 中,鲁樽工程职员据人机友爱干系道理
In the new mixer truck, the engineers of Lutun according to the principle of man-machine friendly relationship
Upgrade all seats to airbag seats under the action of double tubes of airbag and spring
Excellent shock absorption effect, especially suitable for high-intensity operation and extreme environment
At the same time, it alleviates the driver's operation fatigue and has higher safety intensity
固然,新款打金鱼 中,电子称重体系仍然精确把关,掩护混凝土的品德
Of course, in the new mixer truck, the electronic weighing system is still accurate to guard the quality of concrete
The panoramic camera still protects the body and the surrounding environment
The transparent planes on all sides of the cab still open the driver's field of vision to the greatest extent
这统统的“新兵旧将”,都将伴跟着打金鱼 驯服更多工程
All these "recruits and old generals" will conquer more projects with mixer trucks
以上便是明天给大师讲授的具体内容,更多的出色内容请点击咱们的网站打鱼注册送分 http://zhaoyanfilter.com,咱们会有更多的出色内容等您检查.
The above is the detailed content explained to you today. For more wonderful content, please click our website concrete mixer http://zhaoyanfilter.com , we will have more wonderful content for you to see
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新款打金鱼 中“欣喜不时”

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2021-11-12

新款打金鱼 中驾驶室外壳接纳全新材质
The cab shell of the new mixer is made of new materials
Impact and corrosion resistance
High stability, stronger heat insulation and noise insulation effect
In the hot summer, the air conditioner is turned on and the cool wind is blowing in the cab
With a strong sense of happiness, the operation is more powerful and energetic, and the efficiency is greatly improved
Perhaps you will sigh that in the past, there were seven or eight workers shoveling, loading and transportation under the scorching sun
It's gone forever
同时,新款打金鱼 驾驶室的操纵台进级为一体式
At the same time, the console of the cab of the new mixer truck is upgraded to an integrated type
Oil temperature, water pressure, body speed and other important values are clear at a glance
The floor at the bottom of the cab is made of manganese steel plate, which is solid
It greatly improves the shaking instability in mountain walking and climbing
功课进程中一直安定有加,打金鱼 的操纵机能进一步晋升
The operation process is always stable, and the operation performance of the mixer truck is further improved
As we all know, in mechanical vehicles, seats affect the comfort of operation and the fatigue strength of drivers
A good seat can bring a suitable sitting posture for the driver, which is related to the safety of operation
在新款的打金鱼 中,鲁樽工程职员据人机友爱干系道理
In the new mixer truck, the engineers of Lutun according to the principle of man-machine friendly relationship
Upgrade all seats to airbag seats under the action of double tubes of airbag and spring
Excellent shock absorption effect, especially suitable for high-intensity operation and extreme environment
At the same time, it alleviates the driver's operation fatigue and has higher safety intensity
固然,新款打金鱼 中,电子称重体系仍然精确把关,掩护混凝土的品德
Of course, in the new mixer truck, the electronic weighing system is still accurate to guard the quality of concrete
The panoramic camera still protects the body and the surrounding environment
The transparent planes on all sides of the cab still open the driver's field of vision to the greatest extent
这统统的“新兵旧将”,都将伴跟着打金鱼 驯服更多工程
All these "recruits and old generals" will conquer more projects with mixer trucks
以上便是明天给大师讲授的具体内容,更多的出色内容请点击咱们的网站打鱼注册送分 http://zhaoyanfilter.com,咱们会有更多的出色内容等您检查.
The above is the detailed content explained to you today. For more wonderful content, please click our website concrete mixer http://zhaoyanfilter.com , we will have more wonderful content for you to see