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打金鱼 呈现黑油景象的有用处置办法

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-05-25

打金鱼 在全部施工名目中,须要做提防的任务不止有布局配件的毁伤题目,对液压油路的状况也要多加注重,针对在施工名目中所呈现的黑油景象,咱们总结按照现实操纵经历,总结出以下有用办法:
In the whole construction project, the prevention work of mixer truck is not only the damage of structural accessories, but also pay more attention to the state of hydraulic oil circuit. In view of the black oil phenomenon in the construction project, we summarize the following effective measures according to the actual operation experience:
实时改换防尘封,制止常常呈现打金鱼 偏打环境。导致打金鱼 液压体系产生黑油环境,不只由粉尘引发,也许因加注黄油不规范所导致。在加注黄油时,应将打金鱼 提起,钢钎压到活塞中,每次加注时只要加注至规范黄油枪的半枪规模内便可。
WordStr the dust seal in time, and it is forbidden to often hit the mixer. The black oil in the hydraulic system of the mixer truck is caused not only by dust, but also by the non-standard filling of butter. When filling butter, lift the mixer truck and press the steel drill into the piston. Each filling only needs to be filled within half the range of the standard grease gun.
若在加注黄油时,未压紧钢钎,所加注的黄油会在钢钎槽下限位,在钢钎任务时,黄油会间接蹿到主油封地位,跟着活塞来去活动将黄油带到中缸体内,再跟着中缸内的液压油混入打金鱼 液压体系内,从而导致液压油产生蜕变、发黑等非常环境。
If the steel rod is not pressed tightly when filling grease, the filled grease will be at the upper limit of the steel rod groove. When the steel rod is working, the grease will jump directly to the position of the main oil seal. With the reciprocating motion of the piston, the grease will be brought into the middle cylinder, and then with the hydraulic oil in the middle cylinder mixed into the hydraulic system of the mixer truck, resulting in abnormal conditions such as deterioration and blackening of the hydraulic oil.
Install oil return filter device to remove external dust. When replacing hydraulic accessories such as oil pipe, steel pipe and oil return filter element, it is necessary to clean the dust or sundries at the interface before loosening and replacing.
另外,打金鱼 其余方面的掩护也要多加注重,比方说:
In addition, pay more attention to the maintenance of other aspects of the mixer truck, such as:
打鱼注册送分 策动前,须停止查抄,各部件量一般靠得住,螺栓毗连是不是紧固,操纵是不是矫捷等。
Before starting the concrete mixer, it is necessary to check whether the quantity of each component is normal and reliable, whether the bolt connection is fastened, whether the operation is flexible, etc.
The lubrication points of all parts shall be carried out according to the schematic requirements, and the refueling place must be kept clean.
The pipelines of hydraulic and pneumatic systems shall be sealed firmly, and whether there is wear, oil leakage, air leakage and other phenomena shall be checked and handled in time.
Check the hydraulic pump. Hydraulic motor, deceleration bend and other components must be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the product manual.
Regularly check the wear of mixing blades and repair them in time.
Maintenance of reducer: the reducer shall be maintained according to different service life.
Maintenance of radiator: under normal circumstances, the filter element of the radiator is replaced within a fixed cycle. The filter element is replaced every 3 months for new vehicles, and then every 6 months. The precision of the filter element is the same as that of the original filter element. Check whether the radiator fan operates every day, and clean the surface of the radiator blade with an air gun every week to keep the radiator working normally.
供水系的颐养:打鱼注册送分 供水体例为气压供水,从底盘储气筒取气,是以应常常查抄其气路的密封性,以坚持金底盘气路不受影响。
Maintenance of water supply system: the water supply mode of concrete mixer truck is pneumatic water supply, and the air is taken from the chassis air reservoir. Therefore, the tightness of its air circuit should be checked frequently to keep the gold chassis air circuit from being affected.
Maintenance of mixing drum: after each work, there must be coarse stones in the mixing drum and washed with clean water. Operate according to the discharging method to drain the accumulated water in the drum. At the same time, wash the cement Residue around the surface and base of the mixing drum. Correct treatment and maintenance can prolong the service life of the mixing drum.
打金鱼 呈现黑油景象的有用处置办法内容便是如许了,您有相干须要或其余设法的话接待来存眷咱们的网站zhaoyanfilter.com,而后停止接洽资讯!
This is the content of effective measures to deal with the phenomenon of black oil in the mixer. If you have relevant needs or other ideas, please pay attention to our website zhaoyanfilter.com, and then contact information!
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打金鱼 呈现黑油景象的有用处置办法

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-05-25

打金鱼 在全部施工名目中,须要做提防的任务不止有布局配件的毁伤题目,对液压油路的状况也要多加注重,针对在施工名目中所呈现的黑油景象,咱们总结按照现实操纵经历,总结出以下有用办法:
In the whole construction project, the prevention work of mixer truck is not only the damage of structural accessories, but also pay more attention to the state of hydraulic oil circuit. In view of the black oil phenomenon in the construction project, we summarize the following effective measures according to the actual operation experience:
实时改换防尘封,制止常常呈现打金鱼 偏打环境。导致打金鱼 液压体系产生黑油环境,不只由粉尘引发,也许因加注黄油不规范所导致。在加注黄油时,应将打金鱼 提起,钢钎压到活塞中,每次加注时只要加注至规范黄油枪的半枪规模内便可。
WordStr the dust seal in time, and it is forbidden to often hit the mixer. The black oil in the hydraulic system of the mixer truck is caused not only by dust, but also by the non-standard filling of butter. When filling butter, lift the mixer truck and press the steel drill into the piston. Each filling only needs to be filled within half the range of the standard grease gun.
若在加注黄油时,未压紧钢钎,所加注的黄油会在钢钎槽下限位,在钢钎任务时,黄油会间接蹿到主油封地位,跟着活塞来去活动将黄油带到中缸体内,再跟着中缸内的液压油混入打金鱼 液压体系内,从而导致液压油产生蜕变、发黑等非常环境。
If the steel rod is not pressed tightly when filling grease, the filled grease will be at the upper limit of the steel rod groove. When the steel rod is working, the grease will jump directly to the position of the main oil seal. With the reciprocating motion of the piston, the grease will be brought into the middle cylinder, and then with the hydraulic oil in the middle cylinder mixed into the hydraulic system of the mixer truck, resulting in abnormal conditions such as deterioration and blackening of the hydraulic oil.
Install oil return filter device to remove external dust. When replacing hydraulic accessories such as oil pipe, steel pipe and oil return filter element, it is necessary to clean the dust or sundries at the interface before loosening and replacing.
另外,打金鱼 其余方面的掩护也要多加注重,比方说:
In addition, pay more attention to the maintenance of other aspects of the mixer truck, such as:
打鱼注册送分 策动前,须停止查抄,各部件量一般靠得住,螺栓毗连是不是紧固,操纵是不是矫捷等。
Before starting the concrete mixer, it is necessary to check whether the quantity of each component is normal and reliable, whether the bolt connection is fastened, whether the operation is flexible, etc.
The lubrication points of all parts shall be carried out according to the schematic requirements, and the refueling place must be kept clean.
The pipelines of hydraulic and pneumatic systems shall be sealed firmly, and whether there is wear, oil leakage, air leakage and other phenomena shall be checked and handled in time.
Check the hydraulic pump. Hydraulic motor, deceleration bend and other components must be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the product manual.
Regularly check the wear of mixing blades and repair them in time.
Maintenance of reducer: the reducer shall be maintained according to different service life.
Maintenance of radiator: under normal circumstances, the filter element of the radiator is replaced within a fixed cycle. The filter element is replaced every 3 months for new vehicles, and then every 6 months. The precision of the filter element is the same as that of the original filter element. Check whether the radiator fan operates every day, and clean the surface of the radiator blade with an air gun every week to keep the radiator working normally.
供水系的颐养:打鱼注册送分 供水体例为气压供水,从底盘储气筒取气,是以应常常查抄其气路的密封性,以坚持金底盘气路不受影响。
Maintenance of water supply system: the water supply mode of concrete mixer truck is pneumatic water supply, and the air is taken from the chassis air reservoir. Therefore, the tightness of its air circuit should be checked frequently to keep the gold chassis air circuit from being affected.
Maintenance of mixing drum: after each work, there must be coarse stones in the mixing drum and washed with clean water. Operate according to the discharging method to drain the accumulated water in the drum. At the same time, wash the cement Residue around the surface and base of the mixing drum. Correct treatment and maintenance can prolong the service life of the mixing drum.
打金鱼 呈现黑油景象的有用处置办法内容便是如许了,您有相干须要或其余设法的话接待来存眷咱们的网站zhaoyanfilter.com,而后停止接洽资讯!
This is the content of effective measures to deal with the phenomenon of black oil in the mixer. If you have relevant needs or other ideas, please pay attention to our website zhaoyanfilter.com, and then contact information!