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看打鱼注册送分 的首要利用特色把握几点

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-07-01

都晓得打鱼注册送分 是运输混凝土的公用车辆,但行业外的人不大白打金鱼 的利用方面内容,那末咱们先看看打鱼注册送分 的首要利用特色,把握以下几点,想不准确利用都难。
We all know that concrete mixer is a special vehicle for transporting concrete, but people outside the industry don't understand the use of mixer. Let's first look at the main use characteristics of concrete mixer and master the following points. It's difficult to use it correctly.
1、打金鱼 液压传动体系液压油的压力、油量、油质、油温应到达划定请求,无渗漏景象
1. The pressure, quantity, quality and temperature of the hydraulic oil in the hydraulic transmission system of the mixer shall meet the specified requirements without leakage
2. During mixing and transportation, the amount of concrete loaded shall not exceed the allowable loading quality.
3、打金鱼 在露天停放时,装料前应先将搅拌筒反转,使筒内的积水和杂物排挤。装料前,好先向筒内加水,使进料流利,避免粘料。
3. When the mixer truck is parked in the open air, the mixing drum should be reversed before loading to drain the water and debris in the drum. Before loading, add water to the barrel to make the feeding smooth and prevent sticking.
4、打金鱼 行驶中,接长的卸料槽必须翻转后牢固在卸槽上,再转至与车身垂直部位,用销轴与机架牢固,避免因为不牢固而引发摆动,打伤行人或影响车辆运行。
4. During the driving of the mixer truck, the extended discharge chute must be turned over and fixed on the discharge chute, and then turned to the vertical position with the vehicle body, and fixed with the frame with a pin shaft, so as to prevent swing caused by unfixed, injury to pedestrians or affect the operation of the vehicle.
5、打金鱼 经由进程桥、洞、库等举措措施时,应注重经由进程高度及宽度,以避免发生碰撞变乱。出格须要注重的是此刻四轴罐车的长度很长,在经由进程桥洞高度靠近极限时,长长的车身是下圆弧路面的一道弦,能经由进程的高度会下降。
5. When the mixer truck passes through bridges, holes, warehouses and other facilities, attention should be paid to the passing height and width to avoid collision accidents. It should be noted that the length of the four axle tank car is very long now. When the height of the bridge opening is close to the limit, the long body is a chord of the lower arc road surface, and the height that can be passed will be reduced.
6. The continuous operation time of the mixing device shall not exceed 8h.
7、打金鱼 保送混凝土的时候不得跨越打金鱼 划定的时候,以避免影响混凝土品质。
7. The time of transporting concrete by the mixer truck shall not exceed the time specified by the mixer truck, so as not to affect the quality of concrete.
8. During the transportation of concrete, the mixing drum shall not be stopped to prevent the initial setting and segregation of concrete.
9. When the mixing drum changes from positive to reverse, the control handle must be placed in the middle position first, and then placed in the reverse position after the mixing drum stops rotating.
10、打鱼注册送分 的水箱的水量要尽可能坚持装满,以防急用。夏季泊车时,要将水箱和供水体系的水放净。
10. The water volume of the water tank of the concrete mixer shall be kept as full as possible to prevent emergency use. When parking in winter, drain the water from the water tank and water supply system.
另外混凝土运输中经由进程搅拌筒的迟缓扭转,可有效地避免避免混凝土初凝及离析,因此能保障混凝土的保送品质,今后再碰着存眷打金鱼 的相干题目就可以疾速处置了。
In addition, the slow rotation of the mixing drum during concrete transportation can effectively prevent the initial setting and segregation of concrete, so as to ensure the delivery quality of concrete. In the future, the related problems of paying attention to the mixing truck can be quickly solved.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.
上一篇:打鱼注册送分 的罐体油漆五点颐养事变
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tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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看打鱼注册送分 的首要利用特色把握几点

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-07-01

都晓得打鱼注册送分 是运输混凝土的公用车辆,但行业外的人不大白打金鱼 的利用方面内容,那末咱们先看看打鱼注册送分 的首要利用特色,把握以下几点,想不准确利用都难。
We all know that concrete mixer is a special vehicle for transporting concrete, but people outside the industry don't understand the use of mixer. Let's first look at the main use characteristics of concrete mixer and master the following points. It's difficult to use it correctly.
1、打金鱼 液压传动体系液压油的压力、油量、油质、油温应到达划定请求,无渗漏景象
1. The pressure, quantity, quality and temperature of the hydraulic oil in the hydraulic transmission system of the mixer shall meet the specified requirements without leakage
2. During mixing and transportation, the amount of concrete loaded shall not exceed the allowable loading quality.
3、打金鱼 在露天停放时,装料前应先将搅拌筒反转,使筒内的积水和杂物排挤。装料前,好先向筒内加水,使进料流利,避免粘料。
3. When the mixer truck is parked in the open air, the mixing drum should be reversed before loading to drain the water and debris in the drum. Before loading, add water to the barrel to make the feeding smooth and prevent sticking.
4、打金鱼 行驶中,接长的卸料槽必须翻转后牢固在卸槽上,再转至与车身垂直部位,用销轴与机架牢固,避免因为不牢固而引发摆动,打伤行人或影响车辆运行。
4. During the driving of the mixer truck, the extended discharge chute must be turned over and fixed on the discharge chute, and then turned to the vertical position with the vehicle body, and fixed with the frame with a pin shaft, so as to prevent swing caused by unfixed, injury to pedestrians or affect the operation of the vehicle.
5、打金鱼 经由进程桥、洞、库等举措措施时,应注重经由进程高度及宽度,以避免发生碰撞变乱。出格须要注重的是此刻四轴罐车的长度很长,在经由进程桥洞高度靠近极限时,长长的车身是下圆弧路面的一道弦,能经由进程的高度会下降。
5. When the mixer truck passes through bridges, holes, warehouses and other facilities, attention should be paid to the passing height and width to avoid collision accidents. It should be noted that the length of the four axle tank car is very long now. When the height of the bridge opening is close to the limit, the long body is a chord of the lower arc road surface, and the height that can be passed will be reduced.
6. The continuous operation time of the mixing device shall not exceed 8h.
7、打金鱼 保送混凝土的时候不得跨越打金鱼 划定的时候,以避免影响混凝土品质。
7. The time of transporting concrete by the mixer truck shall not exceed the time specified by the mixer truck, so as not to affect the quality of concrete.
8. During the transportation of concrete, the mixing drum shall not be stopped to prevent the initial setting and segregation of concrete.
9. When the mixing drum changes from positive to reverse, the control handle must be placed in the middle position first, and then placed in the reverse position after the mixing drum stops rotating.
10、打鱼注册送分 的水箱的水量要尽可能坚持装满,以防急用。夏季泊车时,要将水箱和供水体系的水放净。
10. The water volume of the water tank of the concrete mixer shall be kept as full as possible to prevent emergency use. When parking in winter, drain the water from the water tank and water supply system.
另外混凝土运输中经由进程搅拌筒的迟缓扭转,可有效地避免避免混凝土初凝及离析,因此能保障混凝土的保送品质,今后再碰着存眷打金鱼 的相干题目就可以疾速处置了。
In addition, the slow rotation of the mixing drum during concrete transportation can effectively prevent the initial setting and segregation of concrete, so as to ensure the delivery quality of concrete. In the future, the related problems of paying attention to the mixing truck can be quickly solved.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.