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打金鱼 油雾器光滑油前后的查抄掩护

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-07-08

打金鱼 中光滑器的感化是将光滑油雾化并注入气流中,进入须要用氛围光滑的部位。是以,注油器中的光滑油必须坚持在一般地位,既不能过量也不能过偏很少。那末打金鱼 油雾器光滑油前后的查抄掩护相干内容是甚么呢?
The function of the lubricator in the mixer truck is to atomize the lubricating oil and inject it into the air flow into the parts that need to be lubricated with air. Therefore, the lubricating oil in the oiler must be kept in the normal position, neither too much nor too little. So what is the relevant content of inspection and maintenance before and after the lubricating oil of the oil atomizer of the mixer truck?
1. Inspection items before operation
打鱼提现app 氛围体系运转前查抄光滑油油位,坚持油位在油尺高低线之间,靠近上限时实时进步油位线。,油杯口密封圈无缺。
Before the operation of the air system of the full-automatic mixer truck, check the lubricating oil level, keep the oil level between the upper and lower lines of the dipstick, and raise the oil level line in time when it is close to the lower limit., The sealing ring at the mouth of the oil cup is intact.
2. Precautions for adding lubricating oil
①加油时,应无压力停止。功课前应将打金鱼 四周的尘埃等杂物清算清洁,以避免进入注油器。
① When refueling, there should be no pressure. Before operation, dust and other sundries around the mixer shall be cleaned to avoid entering the oiler.
② The lubricating oil in the oiler is ordinary diesel engine oil, and lubricating oil with viscosity of 2.5-7 degrees or industrial 40# oil can be used. The oil in the oil cup should be replaced in time. The capacity of the oil storage cup is calculated as 100ml, and it is appropriate to use it for 100 hours.
3. Maintenance
按期洗濯氛围打金鱼 的滤芯。因为滤芯太脏,进入紧缩机气缸的氛围中含有过量的尘埃,会加快气缸和活塞环的磨损,轻易构成积碳,影响气阀的密封机能;会构成拉缸和窜气,构成光滑油净化,影响光滑结果;当气体被窜气时,也会呈现油污景象。若是气缸壁与活塞环之间的空隙过大,受净化的光滑油就会进入紧缩室。并构成油雾,净化紧缩氛围。
Clean the filter element of the air mixer regularly. Because the filter element is too dirty, the air entering the compressor cylinder contains too much dust, which will accelerate the wear of the cylinder and piston ring, easy to form carbon deposition, and affect the sealing performance of the air valve; It will cause cylinder pulling and gas channeling, cause lubricating oil pollution, and affect the lubrication effect; When the gas is channeled, oil pollution will also appear. If the gap between the cylinder wall and the piston ring is too large, the contaminated lubricating oil will enter the compression chamber. And form oil mist, polluting the compressed air.
4. Cleaning
Regularly carry out the maintenance of the items specified in the maintenance procedures, such as cleaning, lubrication, refueling, etc
打金鱼 开动前要先查抄各节制器是不是杰出,复工后用水和石子倒入搅拌筒内10~15分钟停止洗濯,再将水和石子清出。操纵职员如须进入搅拌筒内洗濯时,除堵截电源和卸下熔断器外,并须锁好开关箱。
Before starting the mixer, check whether each controller is in good condition. After shutdown, pour water and stones into the mixing drum for 10-15 minutes for cleaning, and then remove the water and stones. If the operator needs to enter the mixing drum for cleaning, he must not only cut off the power supply and remove the fuse, but also lock the switch box.
制止用大锤敲打的方式断根积压在打金鱼 筒内的混凝土,只能用凿子断根。
It is forbidden to use a sledgehammer to remove the concrete accumulated in the mixer drum, and only a chisel can be used to remove it.
在酷寒季候,打鱼提现app 任务终了后利用水洗濯搅拌机滚筒并将水泵、水箱、水管内积水放净,以避免水泵、水箱、水管等冻坏。
In the severe cold season, after the work of the full-automatic mixer truck is completed, the mixer drum shall be cleaned with water and the accumulated water in the water pump, water tank and water pipe shall be drained to avoid freezing damage of the water pump, water tank and water pipe.
想要耽误打金鱼 的利用寿命,必然要严酷根据准确的方式操纵!
If you want to prolong the service life of the mixer truck, you must operate in strict accordance with the correct method!
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.
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打金鱼 油雾器光滑油前后的查抄掩护

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-07-08

打金鱼 中光滑器的感化是将光滑油雾化并注入气流中,进入须要用氛围光滑的部位。是以,注油器中的光滑油必须坚持在一般地位,既不能过量也不能过偏很少。那末打金鱼 油雾器光滑油前后的查抄掩护相干内容是甚么呢?
The function of the lubricator in the mixer truck is to atomize the lubricating oil and inject it into the air flow into the parts that need to be lubricated with air. Therefore, the lubricating oil in the oiler must be kept in the normal position, neither too much nor too little. So what is the relevant content of inspection and maintenance before and after the lubricating oil of the oil atomizer of the mixer truck?
1. Inspection items before operation
打鱼提现app 氛围体系运转前查抄光滑油油位,坚持油位在油尺高低线之间,靠近上限时实时进步油位线。,油杯口密封圈无缺。
Before the operation of the air system of the full-automatic mixer truck, check the lubricating oil level, keep the oil level between the upper and lower lines of the dipstick, and raise the oil level line in time when it is close to the lower limit., The sealing ring at the mouth of the oil cup is intact.
2. Precautions for adding lubricating oil
①加油时,应无压力停止。功课前应将打金鱼 四周的尘埃等杂物清算清洁,以避免进入注油器。
① When refueling, there should be no pressure. Before operation, dust and other sundries around the mixer shall be cleaned to avoid entering the oiler.
② The lubricating oil in the oiler is ordinary diesel engine oil, and lubricating oil with viscosity of 2.5-7 degrees or industrial 40# oil can be used. The oil in the oil cup should be replaced in time. The capacity of the oil storage cup is calculated as 100ml, and it is appropriate to use it for 100 hours.
3. Maintenance
按期洗濯氛围打金鱼 的滤芯。因为滤芯太脏,进入紧缩机气缸的氛围中含有过量的尘埃,会加快气缸和活塞环的磨损,轻易构成积碳,影响气阀的密封机能;会构成拉缸和窜气,构成光滑油净化,影响光滑结果;当气体被窜气时,也会呈现油污景象。若是气缸壁与活塞环之间的空隙过大,受净化的光滑油就会进入紧缩室。并构成油雾,净化紧缩氛围。
Clean the filter element of the air mixer regularly. Because the filter element is too dirty, the air entering the compressor cylinder contains too much dust, which will accelerate the wear of the cylinder and piston ring, easy to form carbon deposition, and affect the sealing performance of the air valve; It will cause cylinder pulling and gas channeling, cause lubricating oil pollution, and affect the lubrication effect; When the gas is channeled, oil pollution will also appear. If the gap between the cylinder wall and the piston ring is too large, the contaminated lubricating oil will enter the compression chamber. And form oil mist, polluting the compressed air.
4. Cleaning
Regularly carry out the maintenance of the items specified in the maintenance procedures, such as cleaning, lubrication, refueling, etc
打金鱼 开动前要先查抄各节制器是不是杰出,复工后用水和石子倒入搅拌筒内10~15分钟停止洗濯,再将水和石子清出。操纵职员如须进入搅拌筒内洗濯时,除堵截电源和卸下熔断器外,并须锁好开关箱。
Before starting the mixer, check whether each controller is in good condition. After shutdown, pour water and stones into the mixing drum for 10-15 minutes for cleaning, and then remove the water and stones. If the operator needs to enter the mixing drum for cleaning, he must not only cut off the power supply and remove the fuse, but also lock the switch box.
制止用大锤敲打的方式断根积压在打金鱼 筒内的混凝土,只能用凿子断根。
It is forbidden to use a sledgehammer to remove the concrete accumulated in the mixer drum, and only a chisel can be used to remove it.
在酷寒季候,打鱼提现app 任务终了后利用水洗濯搅拌机滚筒并将水泵、水箱、水管内积水放净,以避免水泵、水箱、水管等冻坏。
In the severe cold season, after the work of the full-automatic mixer truck is completed, the mixer drum shall be cleaned with water and the accumulated water in the water pump, water tank and water pipe shall be drained to avoid freezing damage of the water pump, water tank and water pipe.
想要耽误打金鱼 的利用寿命,必然要严酷根据准确的方式操纵!
If you want to prolong the service life of the mixer truck, you must operate in strict accordance with the correct method!
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.