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对于打金鱼 低温下宁静利用防护手艺

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-07-22

此刻气候变好了停工的也愈来愈多了,打金鱼 也要起头任务了可是此刻气候愈来愈热了,因为环境的温度会给装载机的利用带来坚苦,可是咱们在低温的状况下应当做好那些宁静利用防护手艺呢?如许不只能够宁静操纵能够增添装载机的利用寿命。
Now the weather is getting better, more and more people are returning to work, and the mixer truck is going to start working, but now the weather is getting hotter and hotter. The temperature of the environment will bring difficulties to the use of the loader, but what safety protection technologies should we do in the high temperature state? This can not only operate safely, but also increase the service life of the loader.
1. After entering the high temperature, we should make a targeted one-time performance test on all parts of the lubrication system to make the oil pressure gauge and transmission pressure gauge indicate accurately. Carry out a systematic inspection of the oil in the transmission, distance converter and drive axle, from the quality of the oil to the quantity of the oil, and keep the oil clean.
2. Regularly check the braking efficiency of the whole machine, so as to find and eliminate the faults of the braking system as soon as possible and reduce the stability of accidents. If the brake is used for long-term operation, the temperature of the brake hub and brake pad will be too high and the braking performance will be reduced. Stop the vehicle immediately to reduce the temperature, so as not to bring hidden dangers to the operation safety of the whole machine. However, it is not allowed to use cold water to pour the brake to force the temperature to drop.
3. Check the water pump fan drive belt. After long-term use, the belt will be tired and deformed, reducing the cooling effect. When replacing the belt, pay attention to the model and length, and correctly adjust its tightness. Check the connecting hose of the water tank. The hose of the water tank has poor oil resistance and is easy to be damaged early, thus affecting the water supply and causing excessive engine temperature rise. Cracks and water leaks should be eliminated in time. At the same time, sufficient cooling water should be maintained and added in time if insufficient.
4.一旦打鱼注册送分 呈现过热的环境,业主应当获得一个很酷的阴凉处泊车,让策念头怠速运转,消除罩加快冷却,当温度降落时,而后插手充足的水来。凡是环境下,业主还应按期查抄冷却体系,和看看水箱缺水。长驱动器或驱动器很长一段时候,但也要注重水温表读数的标的目的。
4. Once the concrete mixer truck overheats, the owner should get a cool shade to stop, let the engine idle, remove the hood to speed up the cooling, and then add enough water when the temperature drops. Generally, the owner should also regularly check the cooling system and check the water tank for water shortage. Long drive or drive for a long time, but also pay attention to the direction of the water temperature gauge reading.
以上4点便是明天小编讲授对于打金鱼 低温下宁静利用防护手艺相干内容,但愿以上文章能够赞助到大师,大师如果有甚么不大白的处所大师能够向咱们留言或存眷网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com停止征询,看到以后咱们会当即与大师停止解答。
The above four points are the content about the safe use and protection technology of mixer truck under high temperature explained by the editor today. I hope the above article can help you. If you have any questions, you can leave a message to us or follow the website http://zhaoyanfilter.com We will consult with you immediately after seeing it.
上一篇:打金鱼 宁静利用事变和平常保护事变
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对于打金鱼 低温下宁静利用防护手艺

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-07-22

此刻气候变好了停工的也愈来愈多了,打金鱼 也要起头任务了可是此刻气候愈来愈热了,因为环境的温度会给装载机的利用带来坚苦,可是咱们在低温的状况下应当做好那些宁静利用防护手艺呢?如许不只能够宁静操纵能够增添装载机的利用寿命。
Now the weather is getting better, more and more people are returning to work, and the mixer truck is going to start working, but now the weather is getting hotter and hotter. The temperature of the environment will bring difficulties to the use of the loader, but what safety protection technologies should we do in the high temperature state? This can not only operate safely, but also increase the service life of the loader.
1. After entering the high temperature, we should make a targeted one-time performance test on all parts of the lubrication system to make the oil pressure gauge and transmission pressure gauge indicate accurately. Carry out a systematic inspection of the oil in the transmission, distance converter and drive axle, from the quality of the oil to the quantity of the oil, and keep the oil clean.
2. Regularly check the braking efficiency of the whole machine, so as to find and eliminate the faults of the braking system as soon as possible and reduce the stability of accidents. If the brake is used for long-term operation, the temperature of the brake hub and brake pad will be too high and the braking performance will be reduced. Stop the vehicle immediately to reduce the temperature, so as not to bring hidden dangers to the operation safety of the whole machine. However, it is not allowed to use cold water to pour the brake to force the temperature to drop.
3. Check the water pump fan drive belt. After long-term use, the belt will be tired and deformed, reducing the cooling effect. When replacing the belt, pay attention to the model and length, and correctly adjust its tightness. Check the connecting hose of the water tank. The hose of the water tank has poor oil resistance and is easy to be damaged early, thus affecting the water supply and causing excessive engine temperature rise. Cracks and water leaks should be eliminated in time. At the same time, sufficient cooling water should be maintained and added in time if insufficient.
4.一旦打鱼注册送分 呈现过热的环境,业主应当获得一个很酷的阴凉处泊车,让策念头怠速运转,消除罩加快冷却,当温度降落时,而后插手充足的水来。凡是环境下,业主还应按期查抄冷却体系,和看看水箱缺水。长驱动器或驱动器很长一段时候,但也要注重水温表读数的标的目的。
4. Once the concrete mixer truck overheats, the owner should get a cool shade to stop, let the engine idle, remove the hood to speed up the cooling, and then add enough water when the temperature drops. Generally, the owner should also regularly check the cooling system and check the water tank for water shortage. Long drive or drive for a long time, but also pay attention to the direction of the water temperature gauge reading.
以上4点便是明天小编讲授对于打金鱼 低温下宁静利用防护手艺相干内容,但愿以上文章能够赞助到大师,大师如果有甚么不大白的处所大师能够向咱们留言或存眷网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com停止征询,看到以后咱们会当即与大师停止解答。
The above four points are the content about the safe use and protection technology of mixer truck under high temperature explained by the editor today. I hope the above article can help you. If you have any questions, you can leave a message to us or follow the website http://zhaoyanfilter.com We will consult with you immediately after seeing it.