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来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2021-03-22

1. Carry water reducing agent
Superplasticizer is a kind of concrete admixture, which can reduce the amount of water used for mixing, while maintaining the collapse of concrete. It can be carried with the car and can adjust the concrete well. However, when participating in superplasticizer, it is necessary to remember that there are people in the laboratory of Ueno station. Otherwise, the quality of concrete is not enough, and the driver must bear the consequences.
2. Return to the factory to check the water quantity in the water tank
每次下火车前往车站时,请查抄注册送200可提现的打鱼 水箱中的水量。告急环境下,随时能够将水箱中的水布满。
Every time you get off the train and return to the station, please check the amount of water in the tank of the small concrete mixer. The water tank can be filled at any time in case of emergency.
3. Check the concrete quality before delivery
The quality of each concrete reel may vary from material to material. When leaving the concrete after installation, be sure to check the slump of the concrete in the storage tank and the usability of the concrete, and pay attention to the early solidification and layered settlement of the concrete.
4. Reduce vehicle travel time
The transportation distance of concrete is usually within 30 km in diameter. Before leaving the car, plan the road and vehicle traffic conditions, and try to reduce the time of small concrete mixers on the road.
5. Priority unloading to reduce losses
If unloading is caused by man-made or non resistance factors for a long time, the condition of the concrete in the small concrete mixing tank should always be checked. Once it is found that the concrete begins to set. Unload immediately after reporting to the person in charge to prevent the whole packing box from being scrapped.
Secondly, the self feeding mixing conveyor needs to be cleaned at any time.
1. Rinse at any time
After unloading each time, use the tanker with water gun to flush the water inlet, blade, inlet, water tank and the corner of water tank, so as to prevent the accumulation of concrete, which is not easy to clean after setting. stand up.
2. Clean the tanker thoroughly after closing
Since the daily delivery of the feeding mixing conveyor, add more than 1 cubic meter of fresh water to the water tank, and quickly rotate the water tank for cleaning. Qualified companies can also participate in the tank stone, the effect will be better.
此文是由打鱼注册送分200元 天为您供给的出色内容,更多的出色内容请点击进入网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com停止查抄,更多的出色内容可点击相干的页面查抄.
This article is a wonderful content provided by the automatic concrete mixer for you today. For more wonderful content, please click to enter the website http://zhaoyanfilter.com To view, more wonderful content can click on the relevant page to view
下一篇:打鱼注册送分 刹车非常应当若何处置?
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2021-03-22

1. Carry water reducing agent
Superplasticizer is a kind of concrete admixture, which can reduce the amount of water used for mixing, while maintaining the collapse of concrete. It can be carried with the car and can adjust the concrete well. However, when participating in superplasticizer, it is necessary to remember that there are people in the laboratory of Ueno station. Otherwise, the quality of concrete is not enough, and the driver must bear the consequences.
2. Return to the factory to check the water quantity in the water tank
每次下火车前往车站时,请查抄注册送200可提现的打鱼 水箱中的水量。告急环境下,随时能够将水箱中的水布满。
Every time you get off the train and return to the station, please check the amount of water in the tank of the small concrete mixer. The water tank can be filled at any time in case of emergency.
3. Check the concrete quality before delivery
The quality of each concrete reel may vary from material to material. When leaving the concrete after installation, be sure to check the slump of the concrete in the storage tank and the usability of the concrete, and pay attention to the early solidification and layered settlement of the concrete.
4. Reduce vehicle travel time
The transportation distance of concrete is usually within 30 km in diameter. Before leaving the car, plan the road and vehicle traffic conditions, and try to reduce the time of small concrete mixers on the road.
5. Priority unloading to reduce losses
If unloading is caused by man-made or non resistance factors for a long time, the condition of the concrete in the small concrete mixing tank should always be checked. Once it is found that the concrete begins to set. Unload immediately after reporting to the person in charge to prevent the whole packing box from being scrapped.
Secondly, the self feeding mixing conveyor needs to be cleaned at any time.
1. Rinse at any time
After unloading each time, use the tanker with water gun to flush the water inlet, blade, inlet, water tank and the corner of water tank, so as to prevent the accumulation of concrete, which is not easy to clean after setting. stand up.
2. Clean the tanker thoroughly after closing
Since the daily delivery of the feeding mixing conveyor, add more than 1 cubic meter of fresh water to the water tank, and quickly rotate the water tank for cleaning. Qualified companies can also participate in the tank stone, the effect will be better.
此文是由打鱼注册送分200元 天为您供给的出色内容,更多的出色内容请点击进入网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com停止查抄,更多的出色内容可点击相干的页面查抄.
This article is a wonderful content provided by the automatic concrete mixer for you today. For more wonderful content, please click to enter the website http://zhaoyanfilter.com To view, more wonderful content can click on the relevant page to view