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打鱼提现app 的装料运输进程注重宁静

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2022-10-26

打鱼提现app 的装料运输进程中,在您停止操纵的时辰必然要注重宁静,不要呈现相干的毛病操纵,固然在任何方面都应当细心一点。上面来讲讲如何宁静装修并宁静运输。
During the loading and transportation process of the fully automatic mixer, you must pay attention to safety when you operate, and do not make relevant mistakes. Of course, you should be careful in all aspects. Now let's talk about how to decorate and transport safely.
The mixing drum shall be reversed before loading. During the first shift operation, the vehicle shall be reversed as far as possible. Because most vehicles are parked in the open air, there may be water, leaves and other debris in the tank. If it is not discharged, the concrete quality will be affected.
After loading, remember to wash the feed hopper, otherwise the small stones scattered during loading will easily solidify inside and outside the receiving hopper and on the chute, affecting the use and beauty.
In transit
拐弯的时辰必然要慢,打金鱼 重心高,易侧翻!入弯之前提早加速减挡,尽能够别拐弯的时辰踩刹车。随时经由进程后视镜注重察看罐子是不是在转,把转速尽能够调慢,转速太高,车辆轻易摆动。
When turning, you must be slow. The mixer truck has a high center of gravity and is easy to roll over! Slow down and downshift in advance before turning, and try not to brake when turning. Observe whether the tank is rotating through the rearview mirror at any time, and adjust the speed as slowly as possible. If the speed is too high, the vehicle is easy to swing.
If the road surface is not good, use a low gear to pass through uneven and potholed areas, so as to ensure that the car has sufficient power. Avoid big pits, stones, steel bars and iron blocks, especially heavy vehicles.
When going uphill, you should downshift ahead of time. If you pull full, you should start slowly. When going uphill, you should pay more attention. You should not downshift randomly, so you can downshift ahead of time. At the same time, it is good to speed up the rotation speed of the tank to prevent concrete from flowing out.
Do not coast with heavy vehicles in neutral gear when going downhill. Drive in proper gear for a long time or before going downhill. Do not slide downhill with loaded vehicles in neutral gear. When going downhill and turning, decelerate in advance, then downshift and decelerate again. The effect of braking in gear is good.
Attention must be paid to the problem of height limit. The road conditions on the construction site are complex, so be careful of trees, especially to prevent scraping the wires.
打鱼提现app 的装料运输进程中的准确操纵就讲授到这里了,为了职员宁静和装备无缺着想,您要多去领会多去服膺注重事变。存眷咱们http://zhaoyanfilter.com领会更多!
The correct operation of the fully automatic mixer during loading and transportation will be explained here. For the sake of personnel safety and equipment integrity, you should learn more and remember the precautions. Follow us http://zhaoyanfilter.com Learn more!
上一篇:打鱼注册送分 在维修中须要注重三点
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打鱼提现app 的装料运输进程注重宁静

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2022-10-26

打鱼提现app 的装料运输进程中,在您停止操纵的时辰必然要注重宁静,不要呈现相干的毛病操纵,固然在任何方面都应当细心一点。上面来讲讲如何宁静装修并宁静运输。
During the loading and transportation process of the fully automatic mixer, you must pay attention to safety when you operate, and do not make relevant mistakes. Of course, you should be careful in all aspects. Now let's talk about how to decorate and transport safely.
The mixing drum shall be reversed before loading. During the first shift operation, the vehicle shall be reversed as far as possible. Because most vehicles are parked in the open air, there may be water, leaves and other debris in the tank. If it is not discharged, the concrete quality will be affected.
After loading, remember to wash the feed hopper, otherwise the small stones scattered during loading will easily solidify inside and outside the receiving hopper and on the chute, affecting the use and beauty.
In transit
拐弯的时辰必然要慢,打金鱼 重心高,易侧翻!入弯之前提早加速减挡,尽能够别拐弯的时辰踩刹车。随时经由进程后视镜注重察看罐子是不是在转,把转速尽能够调慢,转速太高,车辆轻易摆动。
When turning, you must be slow. The mixer truck has a high center of gravity and is easy to roll over! Slow down and downshift in advance before turning, and try not to brake when turning. Observe whether the tank is rotating through the rearview mirror at any time, and adjust the speed as slowly as possible. If the speed is too high, the vehicle is easy to swing.
If the road surface is not good, use a low gear to pass through uneven and potholed areas, so as to ensure that the car has sufficient power. Avoid big pits, stones, steel bars and iron blocks, especially heavy vehicles.
When going uphill, you should downshift ahead of time. If you pull full, you should start slowly. When going uphill, you should pay more attention. You should not downshift randomly, so you can downshift ahead of time. At the same time, it is good to speed up the rotation speed of the tank to prevent concrete from flowing out.
Do not coast with heavy vehicles in neutral gear when going downhill. Drive in proper gear for a long time or before going downhill. Do not slide downhill with loaded vehicles in neutral gear. When going downhill and turning, decelerate in advance, then downshift and decelerate again. The effect of braking in gear is good.
Attention must be paid to the problem of height limit. The road conditions on the construction site are complex, so be careful of trees, especially to prevent scraping the wires.
打鱼提现app 的装料运输进程中的准确操纵就讲授到这里了,为了职员宁静和装备无缺着想,您要多去领会多去服膺注重事变。存眷咱们http://zhaoyanfilter.com领会更多!
The correct operation of the fully automatic mixer during loading and transportation will be explained here. For the sake of personnel safety and equipment integrity, you should learn more and remember the precautions. Follow us http://zhaoyanfilter.com Learn more!