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自上料打鱼注册送分 传动油品质检测方式有哪些?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2020-11-23

1.将自上料打鱼注册送分 停在程度外表上并拧紧手刹。
Park the self loading concrete mixer on a horizontal surface and tighten the handbrake.

Let the engine idle for a few minutes.

Press the brake pedal, turn the lever to reverse, forward, etc., and stay in each gear for a few seconds to fill the torque converter and all shift actuators with hydraulic oil, and finally turn the control lever to the parking position.

Remove the automatic transmission dipstick from the filler tube, insert the cleaned dipstick into the filler tube and pull it out to check the oil level on the dipstick.
5.在查抄自上料打鱼注册送分 或对其停止错误谬误解除之前,请先查抄变速箱油位和油质。将变速杆置于P方位,在空转时功课策念头最少几分钟,油液到达一般的功课温度,并且车辆有停放在程度外表上,以确保差速器和油门之间的油位。传输凡是是牢固的。

Please check the oil level and oil quality of the gearbox before checking or eliminating the shortcomings of the self loading concrete mixer. Place the shift lever in the P position, operate the engine at idle for at least a few minutes, the oil reaches the normal operating temperature, and the vehicle is parked on a horizontal surface to ensure the oil level between the differential and the throttle. Transmission is usually secure.
下一篇:为保障打鱼注册送分200元 的驱动装配无缺靠得住应若何掩护
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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自上料打鱼注册送分 传动油品质检测方式有哪些?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2020-11-23

1.将自上料打鱼注册送分 停在程度外表上并拧紧手刹。
Park the self loading concrete mixer on a horizontal surface and tighten the handbrake.

Let the engine idle for a few minutes.

Press the brake pedal, turn the lever to reverse, forward, etc., and stay in each gear for a few seconds to fill the torque converter and all shift actuators with hydraulic oil, and finally turn the control lever to the parking position.

Remove the automatic transmission dipstick from the filler tube, insert the cleaned dipstick into the filler tube and pull it out to check the oil level on the dipstick.
5.在查抄自上料打鱼注册送分 或对其停止错误谬误解除之前,请先查抄变速箱油位和油质。将变速杆置于P方位,在空转时功课策念头最少几分钟,油液到达一般的功课温度,并且车辆有停放在程度外表上,以确保差速器和油门之间的油位。传输凡是是牢固的。

Please check the oil level and oil quality of the gearbox before checking or eliminating the shortcomings of the self loading concrete mixer. Place the shift lever in the P position, operate the engine at idle for at least a few minutes, the oil reaches the normal operating temperature, and the vehicle is parked on a horizontal surface to ensure the oil level between the differential and the throttle. Transmission is usually secure.