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多功效打鱼注册送分 会呈现哪些毛病呢?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2020-12-10

多功效打鱼注册送分 若是呈现毛病的话,那末不是会对车辆自身形成风险,更首要的是打金鱼 内的混凝土也会遭到涉及,若是混凝土由于多功效打鱼注册送分 的毛病而凝结了的话,那末将会形成很是的丧失,以是为了防止这类环境的产生,当发明打鱼注册送分 有毛病产生的时辰,该当实时找出毛病点遏制处置。
If the multi-functional concrete mixer fails, it will not cause harm to the vehicle itself. More importantly, the concrete in the mixer truck will also be affected. If the concrete solidifies due to the fault of the multi-functional concrete mixer, it will cause extraordinary losses. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, when the concrete mixer truck is found to have fault When the fault occurs, it is necessary to find out the fault point and solve it in time.
1、 Working principle of can body rotation
Engine power take-off - transmission shaft - oil pump - motor - reducer - can body rotation
2、 Cause analysis
致使多功效打鱼注册送分 搅拌罐停转首要有以下缘由:
The main reasons for the stop of mixing tank of multi-functional concrete mixer are as follows:
1. Engine failure: the engine cannot be started and the power take-off is damaged
2. Upper mounting fault: transmission shaft damage, oil pump failure, hydraulic oil too dirty or insufficient, motor failure, reducer failure, control rod loose and other reasons.
3、 Find the fault point
当多功效打鱼注册送分 输送混凝土进程中,产生罐体没法动弹毛病,应泊车遏制查抄。经由进程“一听、一看、一动”敏捷寻觅毛病点,“一听”是指从传动轴到加速机各零部件有没有收回异响;“一看”是指看液压油箱油位是不是太低或管路漏油严峻;“一动”是指前后扳动油泵伺服杆,罐体是不是正反均无动弹。
When the multi-functional concrete mixer truck can't rotate in the process of transporting concrete, it should be stopped for inspection. Through "one listen, one look, one move" to quickly find out the fault point. "One listen" refers to whether the parts from the transmission shaft to the reducer make abnormal noise; "one look" refers to whether the oil level of the hydraulic oil tank is too low or the pipeline has serious oil leakage; "moving" refers to pulling the servo rod of the oil pump back and forth, and whether the tank body does not rotate in both positive and negative directions.
Note: after the tank stops rotating, contact the local service personnel (attached with the address book) to inform the concrete mark number and pre setting time in the tank. The service personnel will guide you how to handle it patiently. At the same time, please drive the vehicle to the nearest service station.
4、 Emergency measures
若是不能在混凝土预凝之前将自上料打鱼注册送分 修复,该当即采用应急办法:
If the self loading concrete mixer cannot be repaired before the concrete is pre set, emergency measures shall be taken immediately:
1. When the motor and reducer have no fault, connect the "emergency oil pipe" to unload the concrete, so as to prevent the occurrence of condensation grouting accident.
2.马达或加速机产生毛病且肯定没法在混凝土预凝前使罐体动弹,请疾速翻开人孔盖,如人孔盖不在罐体下方则须要在罐体前锥底部开孔(Φ=1250px,避开原有焊道),与此同时必须延续向进料口注重灌输大批净水,冲洗罐内混凝土,直至罐体下方无混凝土流出,罐内少许剩余混凝土需野生遏制清算,清算终了后遏制洗濯,将割下部分从头焊接到打鱼注册送分 罐体上(装置人孔盖),并打磨喷漆处置。
2. If the motor or reducer fails and it is determined that the tank can not rotate before the concrete is pre set, please quickly open the manhole cover. If the manhole cover is not under the tank body, it is necessary to open a hole at the bottom of the front cone of the tank body (Φ = 1250px, avoid the original weld bead). At the same time, a large amount of clean water must be poured into the feeding port to flush the concrete in the tank until there is no concrete flowing out under the tank body and a small amount of residual in the tank The remaining concrete needs to be cleaned manually. After cleaning, the cut part should be re welded to the tank body of the concrete mixer truck (the manhole cover should be installed) and polished and painted.
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多功效打鱼注册送分 会呈现哪些毛病呢?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2020-12-10

多功效打鱼注册送分 若是呈现毛病的话,那末不是会对车辆自身形成风险,更首要的是打金鱼 内的混凝土也会遭到涉及,若是混凝土由于多功效打鱼注册送分 的毛病而凝结了的话,那末将会形成很是的丧失,以是为了防止这类环境的产生,当发明打鱼注册送分 有毛病产生的时辰,该当实时找出毛病点遏制处置。
If the multi-functional concrete mixer fails, it will not cause harm to the vehicle itself. More importantly, the concrete in the mixer truck will also be affected. If the concrete solidifies due to the fault of the multi-functional concrete mixer, it will cause extraordinary losses. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, when the concrete mixer truck is found to have fault When the fault occurs, it is necessary to find out the fault point and solve it in time.
1、 Working principle of can body rotation
Engine power take-off - transmission shaft - oil pump - motor - reducer - can body rotation
2、 Cause analysis
致使多功效打鱼注册送分 搅拌罐停转首要有以下缘由:
The main reasons for the stop of mixing tank of multi-functional concrete mixer are as follows:
1. Engine failure: the engine cannot be started and the power take-off is damaged
2. Upper mounting fault: transmission shaft damage, oil pump failure, hydraulic oil too dirty or insufficient, motor failure, reducer failure, control rod loose and other reasons.
3、 Find the fault point
当多功效打鱼注册送分 输送混凝土进程中,产生罐体没法动弹毛病,应泊车遏制查抄。经由进程“一听、一看、一动”敏捷寻觅毛病点,“一听”是指从传动轴到加速机各零部件有没有收回异响;“一看”是指看液压油箱油位是不是太低或管路漏油严峻;“一动”是指前后扳动油泵伺服杆,罐体是不是正反均无动弹。
When the multi-functional concrete mixer truck can't rotate in the process of transporting concrete, it should be stopped for inspection. Through "one listen, one look, one move" to quickly find out the fault point. "One listen" refers to whether the parts from the transmission shaft to the reducer make abnormal noise; "one look" refers to whether the oil level of the hydraulic oil tank is too low or the pipeline has serious oil leakage; "moving" refers to pulling the servo rod of the oil pump back and forth, and whether the tank body does not rotate in both positive and negative directions.
Note: after the tank stops rotating, contact the local service personnel (attached with the address book) to inform the concrete mark number and pre setting time in the tank. The service personnel will guide you how to handle it patiently. At the same time, please drive the vehicle to the nearest service station.
4、 Emergency measures
若是不能在混凝土预凝之前将自上料打鱼注册送分 修复,该当即采用应急办法:
If the self loading concrete mixer cannot be repaired before the concrete is pre set, emergency measures shall be taken immediately:
1. When the motor and reducer have no fault, connect the "emergency oil pipe" to unload the concrete, so as to prevent the occurrence of condensation grouting accident.
2.马达或加速机产生毛病且肯定没法在混凝土预凝前使罐体动弹,请疾速翻开人孔盖,如人孔盖不在罐体下方则须要在罐体前锥底部开孔(Φ=1250px,避开原有焊道),与此同时必须延续向进料口注重灌输大批净水,冲洗罐内混凝土,直至罐体下方无混凝土流出,罐内少许剩余混凝土需野生遏制清算,清算终了后遏制洗濯,将割下部分从头焊接到打鱼注册送分 罐体上(装置人孔盖),并打磨喷漆处置。
2. If the motor or reducer fails and it is determined that the tank can not rotate before the concrete is pre set, please quickly open the manhole cover. If the manhole cover is not under the tank body, it is necessary to open a hole at the bottom of the front cone of the tank body (Φ = 1250px, avoid the original weld bead). At the same time, a large amount of clean water must be poured into the feeding port to flush the concrete in the tank until there is no concrete flowing out under the tank body and a small amount of residual in the tank The remaining concrete needs to be cleaned manually. After cleaning, the cut part should be re welded to the tank body of the concrete mixer truck (the manhole cover should be installed) and polished and painted.