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查抄主动上料打金鱼 的整机的事变有哪些?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2021-06-02

(1) The pump and water system components must be complete and leak free.
(2) Safety device inspection rules:
1. The hydraulic system must be equipped with safety devices to prevent overload and hydraulic shock. The regulating pressure of the safety relief valve shall not exceed the rated pressure of the hydraulic pump.
2.主动上料打金鱼 正面和反面的混凝土掩护罩无缺无损。
2. The concrete protective cover on the side and back of the automatic feeding mixer is intact.
3.主动上料打金鱼 必须装备灭火装备。
3. Automatic feeding mixer must be equipped with fire fighting equipment.
(3) Check the system rules.
1. The cylinder must be in good contact with the support wheel, and must not lose control, move or deform obviously.
2. The buffer of mixing tank frame shall not be broken or damaged. The blades of mixing tank, hopper, main discharge tank and auxiliary discharge tank shall not be obviously worn or deformed.
3. There shall be no clean concrete blocks in the mixing tank, feed hopper, main drainage tank or auxiliary drainage tank.
(4) Flood control system inspection rules:
1. The power take-off works smoothly, the pressure meets the design requirements, and there is no leakage.
2. The components of the hydraulic system must be complete, and the working pressure of the system must meet the requirements of the manual.
3. The type, quality, quantity and use of hydraulic oil must comply with relevant regulations. When the heat pump is running, the oil temperature should not exceed 80 ℃ ° C. And the pipeline connection must be reliable.
4. The movement of each flood control component must be flexible and reliable.
上一篇:打金鱼 液压体系的两种范例先容
下一篇:打鱼注册送分 平生也履历了良多期间!
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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查抄主动上料打金鱼 的整机的事变有哪些?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2021-06-02

(1) The pump and water system components must be complete and leak free.
(2) Safety device inspection rules:
1. The hydraulic system must be equipped with safety devices to prevent overload and hydraulic shock. The regulating pressure of the safety relief valve shall not exceed the rated pressure of the hydraulic pump.
2.主动上料打金鱼 正面和反面的混凝土掩护罩无缺无损。
2. The concrete protective cover on the side and back of the automatic feeding mixer is intact.
3.主动上料打金鱼 必须装备灭火装备。
3. Automatic feeding mixer must be equipped with fire fighting equipment.
(3) Check the system rules.
1. The cylinder must be in good contact with the support wheel, and must not lose control, move or deform obviously.
2. The buffer of mixing tank frame shall not be broken or damaged. The blades of mixing tank, hopper, main discharge tank and auxiliary discharge tank shall not be obviously worn or deformed.
3. There shall be no clean concrete blocks in the mixing tank, feed hopper, main drainage tank or auxiliary drainage tank.
(4) Flood control system inspection rules:
1. The power take-off works smoothly, the pressure meets the design requirements, and there is no leakage.
2. The components of the hydraulic system must be complete, and the working pressure of the system must meet the requirements of the manual.
3. The type, quality, quantity and use of hydraulic oil must comply with relevant regulations. When the heat pump is running, the oil temperature should not exceed 80 ℃ ° C. And the pipeline connection must be reliable.
4. The movement of each flood control component must be flexible and reliable.