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打鱼注册送分 的温度若何停止有用办理?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-04-29

  在出产混凝土时,打鱼注册送分 因为一成天在处于开机状况,是以温度几多度是一般的,若何迷信的停止温度检测办理,这对出产任务来讲很是主要。那末打鱼注册送分 的温度若何停止有用办理?
  In the production of concrete, the concrete mixer is in the boot state all day long, so how much temperature is normal, how to scientific temperature detection and management, which is very important for the production work. So how to manage the temperature of concrete mixer truck effectively?
  The temperature of the construction environment is detected at 10 o 'clock, 14 o 'clock and 18 o 'clock every day. Measurement of mixing materials and antifreeze temperature, not less than 3 times per working shift; At least 3 hours to produce concrete inspection; The temperature should be measured at least every 2 hours before and after filling.
  Measurement of concrete temperature during curing: before the final setting, the first three days should be measured every 2h, and the index should be carried out twice every day and night after that. 7. In order to measure the internal temperature of concrete, some end of the closed temperature tube should be embedded in the pouring concrete, and immediately covered, so as not to be affected by the external temperature, the thermometer stays in the tube index for 5 minutes, and then removed, quickly write down the temperature.
  打鱼注册送分 厂家提示,打鱼注册送分 的操纵也应当是准确的,比方:打鱼注册送分 装置安稳安稳,行走轮要分开空中,机座要高于空中;开机前电气装备杰出,空转运行待机器运行一般后,再加料搅拌;打鱼注册送分 操纵中边加料边加水,不能插手料后再启动。等等。
  Concrete mixer manufacturers remind that the operation of concrete mixer should also be correct, such as: the installation of concrete mixer is stable and firm, the walking wheel should leave the ground, the base should be higher than the ground; Before starting the electrical equipment is good, idling operation to be normal mechanical operation, and then add stirring; Concrete mixer truck operation in the side of adding water, can not add material after starting. And so on.
  If there is a failure in the operation, it should be cut off in time to find the cause, and it is not allowed to use tools to pry and other dangerous methods to force the mechanical operation. In short, there are a lot of matters to pay attention to, if you have other questions to consult the website zhaoyanfilter.com.
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打鱼注册送分 的温度若何停止有用办理?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-04-29

  在出产混凝土时,打鱼注册送分 因为一成天在处于开机状况,是以温度几多度是一般的,若何迷信的停止温度检测办理,这对出产任务来讲很是主要。那末打鱼注册送分 的温度若何停止有用办理?
  In the production of concrete, the concrete mixer is in the boot state all day long, so how much temperature is normal, how to scientific temperature detection and management, which is very important for the production work. So how to manage the temperature of concrete mixer truck effectively?
  The temperature of the construction environment is detected at 10 o 'clock, 14 o 'clock and 18 o 'clock every day. Measurement of mixing materials and antifreeze temperature, not less than 3 times per working shift; At least 3 hours to produce concrete inspection; The temperature should be measured at least every 2 hours before and after filling.
  Measurement of concrete temperature during curing: before the final setting, the first three days should be measured every 2h, and the index should be carried out twice every day and night after that. 7. In order to measure the internal temperature of concrete, some end of the closed temperature tube should be embedded in the pouring concrete, and immediately covered, so as not to be affected by the external temperature, the thermometer stays in the tube index for 5 minutes, and then removed, quickly write down the temperature.
  打鱼注册送分 厂家提示,打鱼注册送分 的操纵也应当是准确的,比方:打鱼注册送分 装置安稳安稳,行走轮要分开空中,机座要高于空中;开机前电气装备杰出,空转运行待机器运行一般后,再加料搅拌;打鱼注册送分 操纵中边加料边加水,不能插手料后再启动。等等。
  Concrete mixer manufacturers remind that the operation of concrete mixer should also be correct, such as: the installation of concrete mixer is stable and firm, the walking wheel should leave the ground, the base should be higher than the ground; Before starting the electrical equipment is good, idling operation to be normal mechanical operation, and then add stirring; Concrete mixer truck operation in the side of adding water, can not add material after starting. And so on.
  If there is a failure in the operation, it should be cut off in time to find the cause, and it is not allowed to use tools to pry and other dangerous methods to force the mechanical operation. In short, there are a lot of matters to pay attention to, if you have other questions to consult the website zhaoyanfilter.com.