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这些身分能够致使打金鱼 策念头过早破坏

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-08-29

一些打金鱼 司机反应,跟伴侣同时采办的统一款打金鱼 ,本身的车辆在利用一段时候后策念头就会呈现题目,但是伴侣的车辆策念头却没事,这究竟是如何一回事呢?一路来领会一下吧。
Some mixer truck drivers reported that the same mixer truck they bought with their friends would have problems with the engine of their own vehicle after a period of use, but the engine of their friends' vehicle was OK. What is the matter? Let's learn about it.
1. Smooth grinding of valve
注册送200可提现的打鱼 的维修中,若是气门呈现烧蚀、麻点及凸起时,均应停止光磨,普通是在光磨机上停止,功课时须要注重四个题目:一是保障气门头与杆部齐心,不然应先校直;二是光磨辆在能磨出完整的锥面的条件下是越小越好;三是尽能够进步外表光亮度;四是气门杆端部凸起应予以磨平。
In the maintenance of small concrete mixer truck, if the valve is ablated, pitted and dented, it should be polished, generally on the polishing mill. Four problems should be paid attention to during the operation: first, ensure that the valve head and the rod are concentric, otherwise it should be straightened first; Second, on the premise that the smooth grinding vehicle can grind a complete cone, the smaller the better; Third, try to improve the surface finish; Fourth, the depression at the end of the valve stem should be polished.
2. Hinge pin of valve guide
气门杆与气门导管共同空隙是决议气门导管利用寿命的关头,是以当改换新的气门导管时,铰销时应严酷把握好共同空隙,利用各打金鱼 车型划定空隙的上限,可有效耽误利用寿命。
The fitting clearance between the valve stem and the valve guide is the key to determine the service life of the valve guide. Therefore, when replacing the new valve guide, the fitting clearance shall be strictly controlled during the hinge pin. The lower limit of the clearance specified by each mixer truck model can effectively extend the service life.
3. Grinding of valves
The grinding of valves can be divided into two situations: first, the valve and valve seat have only slight pockmarks, which do not require polishing and grinding when hinge pins are used; Second, the valve and valve seat are polished after polishing and hinge pin grinding.
The former shall be grinded with full gold steel sand first, and then the pockmarks shall be grinded with fine carborundum, and then coated with engine oil until the sealing meets the requirements and the width meets the requirements. The latter can only be grinded when the sealing property fails to meet the requirements. However, attention must be paid during operation to avoid excessive force. It is strictly prohibited to knock the valve up and down, otherwise concave sand marks will appear, which will affect the maintenance quality.
打鱼注册送分 策念头出毛病不恐怖,恐怖的是维修不准确,那策念头的机能只会愈来愈差。存眷咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com,征询更多事变!
The failure of the concrete mixer engine is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that the maintenance is not correct, and the performance of the engine will only get worse and worse. Follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Yes, for more information!
上一篇:打金鱼 氛围过滤器的查抄和维修颐养
下一篇:阐发打金鱼 减震器漏油景象呈现
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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这些身分能够致使打金鱼 策念头过早破坏

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-08-29

一些打金鱼 司机反应,跟伴侣同时采办的统一款打金鱼 ,本身的车辆在利用一段时候后策念头就会呈现题目,但是伴侣的车辆策念头却没事,这究竟是如何一回事呢?一路来领会一下吧。
Some mixer truck drivers reported that the same mixer truck they bought with their friends would have problems with the engine of their own vehicle after a period of use, but the engine of their friends' vehicle was OK. What is the matter? Let's learn about it.
1. Smooth grinding of valve
注册送200可提现的打鱼 的维修中,若是气门呈现烧蚀、麻点及凸起时,均应停止光磨,普通是在光磨机上停止,功课时须要注重四个题目:一是保障气门头与杆部齐心,不然应先校直;二是光磨辆在能磨出完整的锥面的条件下是越小越好;三是尽能够进步外表光亮度;四是气门杆端部凸起应予以磨平。
In the maintenance of small concrete mixer truck, if the valve is ablated, pitted and dented, it should be polished, generally on the polishing mill. Four problems should be paid attention to during the operation: first, ensure that the valve head and the rod are concentric, otherwise it should be straightened first; Second, on the premise that the smooth grinding vehicle can grind a complete cone, the smaller the better; Third, try to improve the surface finish; Fourth, the depression at the end of the valve stem should be polished.
2. Hinge pin of valve guide
气门杆与气门导管共同空隙是决议气门导管利用寿命的关头,是以当改换新的气门导管时,铰销时应严酷把握好共同空隙,利用各打金鱼 车型划定空隙的上限,可有效耽误利用寿命。
The fitting clearance between the valve stem and the valve guide is the key to determine the service life of the valve guide. Therefore, when replacing the new valve guide, the fitting clearance shall be strictly controlled during the hinge pin. The lower limit of the clearance specified by each mixer truck model can effectively extend the service life.
3. Grinding of valves
The grinding of valves can be divided into two situations: first, the valve and valve seat have only slight pockmarks, which do not require polishing and grinding when hinge pins are used; Second, the valve and valve seat are polished after polishing and hinge pin grinding.
The former shall be grinded with full gold steel sand first, and then the pockmarks shall be grinded with fine carborundum, and then coated with engine oil until the sealing meets the requirements and the width meets the requirements. The latter can only be grinded when the sealing property fails to meet the requirements. However, attention must be paid during operation to avoid excessive force. It is strictly prohibited to knock the valve up and down, otherwise concave sand marks will appear, which will affect the maintenance quality.
打鱼注册送分 策念头出毛病不恐怖,恐怖的是维修不准确,那策念头的机能只会愈来愈差。存眷咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com,征询更多事变!
The failure of the concrete mixer engine is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that the maintenance is not correct, and the performance of the engine will only get worse and worse. Follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com Yes, for more information!