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自拌打鱼注册送分 对出产量的设想

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-01-20

自拌打鱼注册送分 。称量是混凝土搅拌站中很重要的一个关键,为了保障出产出高品质的混凝土,须要对混凝土原资料停止称量,是以,混凝土搅拌站中的称量体系须要有以下请求:
Self mixing concrete mixer. Weighing is a very important link in the concrete mixing plant. In order to ensure the production of high-quality concrete, it is necessary to weigh the concrete raw materials. Therefore, the weighing system in the concrete mixing plant needs the following requirements:
自拌打鱼注册送分 。扩展温度和湿度规模须要。混凝土搅拌站的任务情况与普通的商贸计量的电子秤差别,普通的商贸计量的电子秤的任务情况普通绝对不变,而挪动式混凝土搅拌站中荷重传感器的应力情况非常庞杂,运转前提绝对加倍卑劣,有更大的随机性。混凝土搅拌站凡是是露天装置,传感器常常蒙受日晒雨淋,温度处于很大的变更状况。
Self mixing concrete mixer. It is necessary to expand the temperature and humidity range. The working environment of the concrete mixing plant is different from that of the general commercial scale. The working environment of the general commercial scale is generally relatively stable, while the stress environment of the load sensor in the mobile concrete mixing plant is very complex, the operating conditions are relatively worse and have greater randomness. The concrete mixing plant is usually installed in the open air. The sensor is often exposed to the sun and rain, and the temperature is in a great change state.
自拌打鱼注册送分 。耐侵蚀性请求更高。混凝土搅拌站的任务情况非常卑劣,不只温度和湿度都有很大的浮动空间,还存在必然的侵蚀性。混凝土在出产进程中须要大批的水泥、煤粉灰和适当的外加剂,这些粉状物在保送和称量进程中会产生粉尘。这些粉尘有一局部会附着在称重传感器外表。在粉尘和水气的配合感化下,传感器将遭到较为严峻的侵蚀。
Self mixing concrete mixer. Higher corrosion resistance requirements. The working environment of concrete mixing plant is very bad. There is not only a large floating space for temperature and humidity, but also a certain corrosivity. A large amount of cement, pulverized coal ash and an appropriate amount of admixture are required in the production of concrete. These powders will produce dust in the process of transportation and weighing. Some of this dust will adhere to the surface of the load cell. Under the combined action of dust and water vapor, the sensor will be seriously corroded.
自拌打鱼注册送分 。须要停止一些特别设想。混凝土搅拌站普通装置在施工现场,任务职员的任务本质也会影响称重体系的利用情况。工地上大批利用姑且工,此中相称多的姑且工文明程度较低,贫乏须要的手艺。在装备的维修和洗濯等任务中,很有能够产生传感器遭到高压水的溅射,误操纵引发过载等情况。传感器要在如许的情况前提下持久靠得住的运转,是要停止一些特别设想的。
Self mixing concrete mixer. Some special design is required. The concrete mixing plant is generally installed on the construction site, and the working quality of the staff will also affect the use of the weighing system. Temporary workers are widely used on the construction site, and a considerable number of them have low educational level and lack necessary skills. In the maintenance and cleaning of equipment, it is likely that the sensor will be sputtered by high-pressure water and overload will be caused by misoperation. The sensor needs some special design to operate reliably for a long time under such environmental conditions.
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自拌打鱼注册送分 对出产量的设想

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-01-20

自拌打鱼注册送分 。称量是混凝土搅拌站中很重要的一个关键,为了保障出产出高品质的混凝土,须要对混凝土原资料停止称量,是以,混凝土搅拌站中的称量体系须要有以下请求:
Self mixing concrete mixer. Weighing is a very important link in the concrete mixing plant. In order to ensure the production of high-quality concrete, it is necessary to weigh the concrete raw materials. Therefore, the weighing system in the concrete mixing plant needs the following requirements:
自拌打鱼注册送分 。扩展温度和湿度规模须要。混凝土搅拌站的任务情况与普通的商贸计量的电子秤差别,普通的商贸计量的电子秤的任务情况普通绝对不变,而挪动式混凝土搅拌站中荷重传感器的应力情况非常庞杂,运转前提绝对加倍卑劣,有更大的随机性。混凝土搅拌站凡是是露天装置,传感器常常蒙受日晒雨淋,温度处于很大的变更状况。
Self mixing concrete mixer. It is necessary to expand the temperature and humidity range. The working environment of the concrete mixing plant is different from that of the general commercial scale. The working environment of the general commercial scale is generally relatively stable, while the stress environment of the load sensor in the mobile concrete mixing plant is very complex, the operating conditions are relatively worse and have greater randomness. The concrete mixing plant is usually installed in the open air. The sensor is often exposed to the sun and rain, and the temperature is in a great change state.
自拌打鱼注册送分 。耐侵蚀性请求更高。混凝土搅拌站的任务情况非常卑劣,不只温度和湿度都有很大的浮动空间,还存在必然的侵蚀性。混凝土在出产进程中须要大批的水泥、煤粉灰和适当的外加剂,这些粉状物在保送和称量进程中会产生粉尘。这些粉尘有一局部会附着在称重传感器外表。在粉尘和水气的配合感化下,传感器将遭到较为严峻的侵蚀。
Self mixing concrete mixer. Higher corrosion resistance requirements. The working environment of concrete mixing plant is very bad. There is not only a large floating space for temperature and humidity, but also a certain corrosivity. A large amount of cement, pulverized coal ash and an appropriate amount of admixture are required in the production of concrete. These powders will produce dust in the process of transportation and weighing. Some of this dust will adhere to the surface of the load cell. Under the combined action of dust and water vapor, the sensor will be seriously corroded.
自拌打鱼注册送分 。须要停止一些特别设想。混凝土搅拌站普通装置在施工现场,任务职员的任务本质也会影响称重体系的利用情况。工地上大批利用姑且工,此中相称多的姑且工文明程度较低,贫乏须要的手艺。在装备的维修和洗濯等任务中,很有能够产生传感器遭到高压水的溅射,误操纵引发过载等情况。传感器要在如许的情况前提下持久靠得住的运转,是要停止一些特别设想的。
Self mixing concrete mixer. Some special design is required. The concrete mixing plant is generally installed on the construction site, and the working quality of the staff will also affect the use of the weighing system. Temporary workers are widely used on the construction site, and a considerable number of them have low educational level and lack necessary skills. In the maintenance and cleaning of equipment, it is likely that the sensor will be sputtered by high-pressure water and overload will be caused by misoperation. The sensor needs some special design to operate reliably for a long time under such environmental conditions.