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打鱼注册送分 的罐体油漆五点颐养事变

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-06-27

打金鱼 在运输时,混凝土会在短时候内凝结成硬块,并且对钢材和油漆都有必然的侵蚀性,以是每次利用混凝土贮罐后,洗净粘附在混凝土贮罐及收支料口上的混凝土是逐日必须行当真掩护的任务。上面咱们来讲讲打鱼注册送分 的罐体油漆五点颐养事变吧。
During the transportation of the mixer truck, the concrete will solidify into hard blocks in a short time and have certain corrosivity to the steel and paint. Therefore, after each use of the concrete storage tank, cleaning the concrete adhered to the concrete storage tank and the inlet and outlet must be carefully maintained every day. Now let's talk about the five maintenance items for the tank paint of the concrete mixer.
1、防龟裂颐养:打金鱼 行驶后如外表呈现裂缝,那末平常平凡错误漆面作照顾护士,金属漆可以或许产生一种很是纤细的裂缝,它会不时地渗入车漆,直至穿透全部色漆层,这类景象就叫“龟裂”。偶然因为重喷漆品质的题目,也会产生龟裂。若是裂纹中有车蜡,会发明车身有条纹状的龟裂景象。常常打蜡可逐步削减龟裂的产生。
1. Anti cracking maintenance: if cracks appear on the surface of the mixer truck after driving, the paint surface is not normally treated. The metal paint may produce a very fine crack, which will continuously penetrate the car paint until it penetrates the whole color paint layer. This phenomenon is called "cracking". Sometimes cracks may occur due to the quality of heavy painting. If there is car wax in the crack, the car body will be found to have striped cracks. Regular waxing can gradually reduce the occurrence of cracking.
2、防退色颐养:注册送200可提现的打鱼 退色,大气中的油烟和净化物是形成车漆变色、退色的首要缘由。退色与氧化差别,产生退色时,车漆会呈现不平均的色差。中、轻度的退色可用研磨、抛光管理,严峻时必须从头喷漆。
2. Anti fading maintenance: the color of small concrete mixer truck is fading, and the oil smoke and pollutants in the atmosphere are the main reasons for the color change and fading of car paint. Fading is different from oxidation. When fading occurs, uneven color difference will appear in the paint. Medium and light discoloration can be treated by grinding and polishing, and repainting is required in case of serious discoloration.
3、防蚀痕:小型打金鱼 蚀痕,蚀痕是面状磨蚀。虫豸、鸟粪、树汁、焦油、沥青都有可以或许引发的蚀痕。轻细的蚀痕可用研磨抛光处理。
3. Anti corrosion mark: the corrosion mark of small mixer truck is surface abrasion. Insects, bird droppings, tree sap, tar and asphalt may cause erosion marks. Slight corrosion marks can be solved by grinding and polishing.
4、水痕纹:打金鱼 水痕纹,水痕纹是水点蒸发后留下的陈迹,呈环状。氧化、常常利用洗濯灵洗濯的车轻易染上水痕。轻细水痕纹的经由进程打蜡抛光可治愈,严峻时需研磨或喷漆。
4. Water mark: the water mark of the mixer truck is the mark left by the evaporation of water droplets, which is circular. Cars that are oxidized and washed with detergent are easy to get water marks. Slight water marks can be cured by waxing and polishing. In severe cases, grinding or painting is required.
5、浅划痕:打鱼注册送分 浅划痕,因为磨擦及平常照顾护士不妥,注册送200可提现的打鱼 车漆面呈现轻细的划痕,但并未显露底漆,这类划痕在阳光下比拟较着。普通接纳专业的抛光方式去除。
5. Shallow scratch: the concrete mixer has a shallow scratch. Due to improper friction and daily care, there are slight scratches on the paint surface of the small concrete mixer, but the primer is not exposed. Such scratches are obvious in the sun. Professional polishing method is generally adopted for removal.
另外还要重视打鱼注册送分200元 罐体的洁净任务,比方:每次装料前用水冲刷进料口,使进料口在装料时坚持潮湿;在装料的同时向随车自带的洗濯用水水箱中注满水;装料后冲刷进料口,洗净进料口四周残留的混凝土;到工地卸料后,冲刷出料槽,而后向混凝土贮罐内加洗濯用水30-40L在车辆回程时坚持混凝土贮罐正向慢速动弹;下次装料前牢记放掉混凝土贮罐内的污水。等等。
In addition, attention should be paid to the cleaning of the tank body of the automatic concrete mixer. For example, wash the feed inlet with water before each loading to keep the feed inlet moist during loading; Fill the cleaning water tank with water while loading; Wash the inlet after loading, and clean the residual concrete near the inlet; After unloading at the construction site, wash the discharge tank, and then add 30-40l of cleaning water to the concrete storage tank to keep the concrete storage tank rotating forward and slowly when the vehicle returns; Remember to discharge the sewage in the concrete storage tank before the next loading. wait.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.
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打鱼注册送分 的罐体油漆五点颐养事变

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-06-27

打金鱼 在运输时,混凝土会在短时候内凝结成硬块,并且对钢材和油漆都有必然的侵蚀性,以是每次利用混凝土贮罐后,洗净粘附在混凝土贮罐及收支料口上的混凝土是逐日必须行当真掩护的任务。上面咱们来讲讲打鱼注册送分 的罐体油漆五点颐养事变吧。
During the transportation of the mixer truck, the concrete will solidify into hard blocks in a short time and have certain corrosivity to the steel and paint. Therefore, after each use of the concrete storage tank, cleaning the concrete adhered to the concrete storage tank and the inlet and outlet must be carefully maintained every day. Now let's talk about the five maintenance items for the tank paint of the concrete mixer.
1、防龟裂颐养:打金鱼 行驶后如外表呈现裂缝,那末平常平凡错误漆面作照顾护士,金属漆可以或许产生一种很是纤细的裂缝,它会不时地渗入车漆,直至穿透全部色漆层,这类景象就叫“龟裂”。偶然因为重喷漆品质的题目,也会产生龟裂。若是裂纹中有车蜡,会发明车身有条纹状的龟裂景象。常常打蜡可逐步削减龟裂的产生。
1. Anti cracking maintenance: if cracks appear on the surface of the mixer truck after driving, the paint surface is not normally treated. The metal paint may produce a very fine crack, which will continuously penetrate the car paint until it penetrates the whole color paint layer. This phenomenon is called "cracking". Sometimes cracks may occur due to the quality of heavy painting. If there is car wax in the crack, the car body will be found to have striped cracks. Regular waxing can gradually reduce the occurrence of cracking.
2、防退色颐养:注册送200可提现的打鱼 退色,大气中的油烟和净化物是形成车漆变色、退色的首要缘由。退色与氧化差别,产生退色时,车漆会呈现不平均的色差。中、轻度的退色可用研磨、抛光管理,严峻时必须从头喷漆。
2. Anti fading maintenance: the color of small concrete mixer truck is fading, and the oil smoke and pollutants in the atmosphere are the main reasons for the color change and fading of car paint. Fading is different from oxidation. When fading occurs, uneven color difference will appear in the paint. Medium and light discoloration can be treated by grinding and polishing, and repainting is required in case of serious discoloration.
3、防蚀痕:小型打金鱼 蚀痕,蚀痕是面状磨蚀。虫豸、鸟粪、树汁、焦油、沥青都有可以或许引发的蚀痕。轻细的蚀痕可用研磨抛光处理。
3. Anti corrosion mark: the corrosion mark of small mixer truck is surface abrasion. Insects, bird droppings, tree sap, tar and asphalt may cause erosion marks. Slight corrosion marks can be solved by grinding and polishing.
4、水痕纹:打金鱼 水痕纹,水痕纹是水点蒸发后留下的陈迹,呈环状。氧化、常常利用洗濯灵洗濯的车轻易染上水痕。轻细水痕纹的经由进程打蜡抛光可治愈,严峻时需研磨或喷漆。
4. Water mark: the water mark of the mixer truck is the mark left by the evaporation of water droplets, which is circular. Cars that are oxidized and washed with detergent are easy to get water marks. Slight water marks can be cured by waxing and polishing. In severe cases, grinding or painting is required.
5、浅划痕:打鱼注册送分 浅划痕,因为磨擦及平常照顾护士不妥,注册送200可提现的打鱼 车漆面呈现轻细的划痕,但并未显露底漆,这类划痕在阳光下比拟较着。普通接纳专业的抛光方式去除。
5. Shallow scratch: the concrete mixer has a shallow scratch. Due to improper friction and daily care, there are slight scratches on the paint surface of the small concrete mixer, but the primer is not exposed. Such scratches are obvious in the sun. Professional polishing method is generally adopted for removal.
另外还要重视打鱼注册送分200元 罐体的洁净任务,比方:每次装料前用水冲刷进料口,使进料口在装料时坚持潮湿;在装料的同时向随车自带的洗濯用水水箱中注满水;装料后冲刷进料口,洗净进料口四周残留的混凝土;到工地卸料后,冲刷出料槽,而后向混凝土贮罐内加洗濯用水30-40L在车辆回程时坚持混凝土贮罐正向慢速动弹;下次装料前牢记放掉混凝土贮罐内的污水。等等。
In addition, attention should be paid to the cleaning of the tank body of the automatic concrete mixer. For example, wash the feed inlet with water before each loading to keep the feed inlet moist during loading; Fill the cleaning water tank with water while loading; Wash the inlet after loading, and clean the residual concrete near the inlet; After unloading at the construction site, wash the discharge tank, and then add 30-40l of cleaning water to the concrete storage tank to keep the concrete storage tank rotating forward and slowly when the vehicle returns; Remember to discharge the sewage in the concrete storage tank before the next loading. wait.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.