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打金鱼 的贮罐及收支料口的洗濯任务

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-09-17

因为混凝土会在短时候内固结成硬块,且对钢材和油漆有一定的侵蚀性,以是每次利用打鱼注册送分200元 的贮罐后,洗净粘附在贮罐及收支料口上的混凝土是逐日保护须当真遏制的洗濯任务。此中包含:
As the concrete will solidify into hard blocks in a short time, and has a certain corrosivity to steel and paint, after each use of the storage tank of the fully automatic concrete mixer, cleaning the concrete adhered to the storage tank and the inlet and outlet is a daily maintenance work that must be carefully carried out. These include:
a. Flush the feed inlet with water before each loading to keep it wet during loading;
b. At the same time of loading, fill the water tank with water for cleaning;
c. Flush the feed inlet after loading, and clean the residual concrete near the feed inlet;
d.到工地卸料后,冲刷出料槽而后向打金鱼 贮罐内加洗濯用水30—40L,在车辆回程时坚持打金鱼 贮罐正向慢速动弹;
d. After unloading at the construction site, flush the discharge chute, and then add 30-40L of cleaning water to the tank of the mixer truck, and keep the tank of the mixer truck rotating slowly in the positive direction when the vehicle returns;
e.下次装料前牢记放掉打金鱼 贮罐内的污水;
e. Remember to drain the sewage in the mixer tank before the next loading;
f.天天出工时洗濯打金鱼 贮罐及收支料口四周,保障不粘有水泥及混凝土结块。
f. Clean the area around the mixer tank and the inlet and outlet at the end of each day to ensure that there is no cement or concrete caking.
If the above work is not carried out seriously once, it will bring great trouble to the future work.
另外驱动装配的感化是驱动打金鱼 贮罐动弹,它由取力器、万向轴、液压泵、液压马达、支配阀、液压油箱及冷却装配构成。若是这局部因毛病遏制任务,打金鱼 贮罐将不能动弹,这会致使车内混凝土报废,严峻的乃至使整罐混凝土固结在罐内,形成混凝土搅拌运输车报废。是以,驱动装配是不是靠得住是利用中须高度正视的题目。
In addition, the driving device is used to drive the tank of the mixer truck to rotate. It is composed of power take-off, universal shaft, hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, control valve, hydraulic oil tank and cooling device. If this part stops working due to failure, the mixer tank will not be able to rotate, which will lead to the scrapping of the concrete in the vehicle, or even the whole tank of concrete will be condensed in the tank, resulting in the scrapping of the concrete mixer truck. Therefore, whether the driving device is reliable is a problem that must be paid great attention to in use.
打金鱼 的贮罐及收支料口的洗濯任务相干内容就讲授到这里了,您对此有甚么迷惑或须要能够随时来咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询看看。
This is all about the cleaning of the tank and the inlet and outlet of the mixer truck. If you have any questions or needs, please come to our website at any time http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult.
上一篇:打金鱼 搅拌筒螺旋线叶片相干事变领会
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打金鱼 的贮罐及收支料口的洗濯任务

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-09-17

因为混凝土会在短时候内固结成硬块,且对钢材和油漆有一定的侵蚀性,以是每次利用打鱼注册送分200元 的贮罐后,洗净粘附在贮罐及收支料口上的混凝土是逐日保护须当真遏制的洗濯任务。此中包含:
As the concrete will solidify into hard blocks in a short time, and has a certain corrosivity to steel and paint, after each use of the storage tank of the fully automatic concrete mixer, cleaning the concrete adhered to the storage tank and the inlet and outlet is a daily maintenance work that must be carefully carried out. These include:
a. Flush the feed inlet with water before each loading to keep it wet during loading;
b. At the same time of loading, fill the water tank with water for cleaning;
c. Flush the feed inlet after loading, and clean the residual concrete near the feed inlet;
d.到工地卸料后,冲刷出料槽而后向打金鱼 贮罐内加洗濯用水30—40L,在车辆回程时坚持打金鱼 贮罐正向慢速动弹;
d. After unloading at the construction site, flush the discharge chute, and then add 30-40L of cleaning water to the tank of the mixer truck, and keep the tank of the mixer truck rotating slowly in the positive direction when the vehicle returns;
e.下次装料前牢记放掉打金鱼 贮罐内的污水;
e. Remember to drain the sewage in the mixer tank before the next loading;
f.天天出工时洗濯打金鱼 贮罐及收支料口四周,保障不粘有水泥及混凝土结块。
f. Clean the area around the mixer tank and the inlet and outlet at the end of each day to ensure that there is no cement or concrete caking.
If the above work is not carried out seriously once, it will bring great trouble to the future work.
另外驱动装配的感化是驱动打金鱼 贮罐动弹,它由取力器、万向轴、液压泵、液压马达、支配阀、液压油箱及冷却装配构成。若是这局部因毛病遏制任务,打金鱼 贮罐将不能动弹,这会致使车内混凝土报废,严峻的乃至使整罐混凝土固结在罐内,形成混凝土搅拌运输车报废。是以,驱动装配是不是靠得住是利用中须高度正视的题目。
In addition, the driving device is used to drive the tank of the mixer truck to rotate. It is composed of power take-off, universal shaft, hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, control valve, hydraulic oil tank and cooling device. If this part stops working due to failure, the mixer tank will not be able to rotate, which will lead to the scrapping of the concrete in the vehicle, or even the whole tank of concrete will be condensed in the tank, resulting in the scrapping of the concrete mixer truck. Therefore, whether the driving device is reliable is a problem that must be paid great attention to in use.
打金鱼 的贮罐及收支料口的洗濯任务相干内容就讲授到这里了,您对此有甚么迷惑或须要能够随时来咱们网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com征询看看。
This is all about the cleaning of the tank and the inlet and outlet of the mixer truck. If you have any questions or needs, please come to our website at any time http://zhaoyanfilter.com Consult.