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中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 的特色是甚么?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2020-05-30

  中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 是一种集自上料、搅拌、运输、主动卸载于一体的小型工程扶植用打鱼注册送分 。它由大功率柴油机、液力变流器、前后四轮驱动桥、给料装配、给料斗、卸料斗、加长卸料斗、机架、搅拌罐、搅拌公用行星加速器、液压体系、电控体系、主动给水体系等构成。主动上料夹杂机具备很多长处,可大大进步出产效力。上面咱们将具体先容主动给料夹杂器的特色。
  Zhongke Jufeng automatic loading mixer is a small-scale construction concrete mixer that integrates automatic loading, mixing, transportation and automatic unloading. It consists of high-power diesel engine, hydraulic converter, front and rear four-wheel drive axle, feeding device, feeding hopper, unloading hopper, extended unloading hopper, frame, mixing tank, special planetary reducer for mixing, hydraulic system, electric control system, automatic water supply system, etc. The automatic feeding mixer has many advantages, which can greatly improve the production efficiency. Next, we will introduce the features of the automatic feed mixer in detail.
  一、打鱼注册送分 的特色
  1、 Features of automatic loading mixer
  1. 行走体系由策念头经由进程液力变矩器、前传动轴和后传动轴、前桥和后桥来操纵。液压标的目的盘驱动,大大减小转弯半径,更合适现场功课,出格是小空间施工。接纳液力变矩器,削减了对策念头的打击,耽误了策念头的利用寿命。接纳无级变速电子节制阀,节制便利。
  1. The traveling system is operated by the engine through the hydraulic torque converter, front drive shaft and rear drive shaft, front axle and rear axle. Hydraulic steering wheel drive, greatly reduce the turning radius, more suitable for field operations, especially small space construction. The adoption of hydraulic torque converter reduces the impact on the engine and prolongs the service life of the engine. Stepless electronic control valve is adopted, which is easy to control.
  2. 液压体系接纳恒功率可变活塞泵,削减了策念头的功率丧失。
  2. Constant power variable piston pump is used in the hydraulic system to reduce the power loss of the engine.
  3.搅拌槽的扭转由液压马达经由进程公用行星加速器驱动。行星加速机的输入轴能够以必然的角度摆动,以知足路面卑劣前提下搅拌槽的跳动。打金鱼 的搅拌槽配有调速阀,可精确节制搅拌槽的搅拌速率。
  3. The rotation of mixing tank is driven by hydraulic motor through special planetary reducer. The output shaft of the planetary reducer can swing at a certain angle to meet the beating of the mixing tank under the adverse conditions of the road. The mixing tank of the mixer is equipped with a speed regulating valve, which can accurately control the mixing speed of the mixing tank.
  4. Materials are dried and loaded by shovel arm, boom cylinder, bucket back shovel, electronic weighing and automatic loading according to the designed proportion. The feeding hopper is installed at a certain angle to ensure the smooth feeding. The discharge cell for discharging can be rotated and fixed in a proper position by a locking mechanism. The extended discharging tank for lengthening the length of the discharging tank can be folded and placed in its fixed position, and fixed on the discharging tank through a hook.
  5. 进水体系配有定量自吸泵,并设有定量节制器主动定量进水。
  5. The water inlet system is equipped with quantitative self-priming pump and quantitative controller for automatic quantitative water inlet.
  6. 搅拌罐牢固在底座上三点支承,前端与牢固在底座上的齿轮箱输入法兰相毗连,能够转变倾斜角。搅拌槽由两个带有锥形轴承的滚子上的焊接轨道撑持。喂料、搅拌和出料都是经由进程压板体系来实现的。搅拌槽向前扭转,供料与混凝土搅拌;反向扭转,在螺旋桨叶片的鞭策下,从混凝土出口出来。
  6. The mixing tank is fixed on the base with three supports, and the front end is connected with the output flange of the gearbox fixed on the base to change the inclination angle. The mixing tank is supported by welded rails on two rollers with tapered bearings. Feeding, mixing and discharging are all done by pressing plate system. The mixing tank rotates forward, feeds and mixes with the concrete; reversely rotates, under the impelling of the propeller blade, it comes out from the concrete outlet.
  以上是中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家为大师先容的相干内容,想要领会更多产物信息,接待拜候网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com:The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng automatic loading mixer. For more product information, please visit the website: http://zhaoyanfilter.com
上一篇:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 为甚么边走边转?
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tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 的特色是甚么?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2020-05-30

  中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 是一种集自上料、搅拌、运输、主动卸载于一体的小型工程扶植用打鱼注册送分 。它由大功率柴油机、液力变流器、前后四轮驱动桥、给料装配、给料斗、卸料斗、加长卸料斗、机架、搅拌罐、搅拌公用行星加速器、液压体系、电控体系、主动给水体系等构成。主动上料夹杂机具备很多长处,可大大进步出产效力。上面咱们将具体先容主动给料夹杂器的特色。
  Zhongke Jufeng automatic loading mixer is a small-scale construction concrete mixer that integrates automatic loading, mixing, transportation and automatic unloading. It consists of high-power diesel engine, hydraulic converter, front and rear four-wheel drive axle, feeding device, feeding hopper, unloading hopper, extended unloading hopper, frame, mixing tank, special planetary reducer for mixing, hydraulic system, electric control system, automatic water supply system, etc. The automatic feeding mixer has many advantages, which can greatly improve the production efficiency. Next, we will introduce the features of the automatic feed mixer in detail.
  一、打鱼注册送分 的特色
  1、 Features of automatic loading mixer
  1. 行走体系由策念头经由进程液力变矩器、前传动轴和后传动轴、前桥和后桥来操纵。液压标的目的盘驱动,大大减小转弯半径,更合适现场功课,出格是小空间施工。接纳液力变矩器,削减了对策念头的打击,耽误了策念头的利用寿命。接纳无级变速电子节制阀,节制便利。
  1. The traveling system is operated by the engine through the hydraulic torque converter, front drive shaft and rear drive shaft, front axle and rear axle. Hydraulic steering wheel drive, greatly reduce the turning radius, more suitable for field operations, especially small space construction. The adoption of hydraulic torque converter reduces the impact on the engine and prolongs the service life of the engine. Stepless electronic control valve is adopted, which is easy to control.
  2. 液压体系接纳恒功率可变活塞泵,削减了策念头的功率丧失。
  2. Constant power variable piston pump is used in the hydraulic system to reduce the power loss of the engine.
  3.搅拌槽的扭转由液压马达经由进程公用行星加速器驱动。行星加速机的输入轴能够以必然的角度摆动,以知足路面卑劣前提下搅拌槽的跳动。打金鱼 的搅拌槽配有调速阀,可精确节制搅拌槽的搅拌速率。
  3. The rotation of mixing tank is driven by hydraulic motor through special planetary reducer. The output shaft of the planetary reducer can swing at a certain angle to meet the beating of the mixing tank under the adverse conditions of the road. The mixing tank of the mixer is equipped with a speed regulating valve, which can accurately control the mixing speed of the mixing tank.
  4. Materials are dried and loaded by shovel arm, boom cylinder, bucket back shovel, electronic weighing and automatic loading according to the designed proportion. The feeding hopper is installed at a certain angle to ensure the smooth feeding. The discharge cell for discharging can be rotated and fixed in a proper position by a locking mechanism. The extended discharging tank for lengthening the length of the discharging tank can be folded and placed in its fixed position, and fixed on the discharging tank through a hook.
  5. 进水体系配有定量自吸泵,并设有定量节制器主动定量进水。
  5. The water inlet system is equipped with quantitative self-priming pump and quantitative controller for automatic quantitative water inlet.
  6. 搅拌罐牢固在底座上三点支承,前端与牢固在底座上的齿轮箱输入法兰相毗连,能够转变倾斜角。搅拌槽由两个带有锥形轴承的滚子上的焊接轨道撑持。喂料、搅拌和出料都是经由进程压板体系来实现的。搅拌槽向前扭转,供料与混凝土搅拌;反向扭转,在螺旋桨叶片的鞭策下,从混凝土出口出来。
  6. The mixing tank is fixed on the base with three supports, and the front end is connected with the output flange of the gearbox fixed on the base to change the inclination angle. The mixing tank is supported by welded rails on two rollers with tapered bearings. Feeding, mixing and discharging are all done by pressing plate system. The mixing tank rotates forward, feeds and mixes with the concrete; reversely rotates, under the impelling of the propeller blade, it comes out from the concrete outlet.
  以上是中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家为大师先容的相干内容,想要领会更多产物信息,接待拜候网站http://zhaoyanfilter.com:The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng automatic loading mixer. For more product information, please visit the website: http://zhaoyanfilter.com