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主动上料打金鱼 办理者须要晓得的事变

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2020-12-30

一、防备混凝土粘罐。在施工现场卸料终了后,应当即用打金鱼 随带的软管冲刷进料斗、出料斗、卸料溜槽等处,清算粘附在车身遍地的污泥及混凝土。在前往搅拌站的途中,应向搅拌筒内注150---200L水以洗濯筒壁及叶片粘结的混凝土残渣。天天任务竣事后,司机应担任向搅拌筒内注入净水并高速(14—18转/分)扭转5—10分钟,而后将水排去,以保障筒内洁净。用高压水洗濯搅拌筒各个局部时,应注重避开仪表及支配杆等部位。压力水喷嘴与车身油漆外表间的间隔不得小于40厘米。
1、 Prevent the concrete from sticking to the tank. After unloading at the construction site, the feeding hopper, discharging hopper, discharging chute, etc. shall be washed immediately with the hose attached to the mixer truck, and the sludge and concrete adhered to the vehicle body shall be cleaned. On the way back to the mixing plant, 150-200l water should be injected into the mixing drum to clean the concrete residue bonded on the wall and blades of the drum. At the end of each day's work, the driver shall be responsible for injecting clean water into the mixing drum and rotating at high speed (14-18 RPM) for 5-10 minutes, and then discharging the water to ensure the cleanness of the drum. When using high-pressure water to clean each part of the mixing drum, attention should be paid to avoid the instrument and control rod. The distance between the spray nozzle and the paint surface shall not be less than 40 cm.
2、 Cleaning work. When cleaning up the dirt and residual concrete slag inside and outside the mixing drum, as well as when the maintenance personnel enter the drum for maintenance and welding repair, it is necessary to turn off the automobile engine to stop the mixing drum completely. During the working period, the maintenance personnel must ensure that the mixing cylinder is well ventilated, the air is fresh, there is no natural gas and harmful dust, and the oxygen supply is sufficient. When using electric tools in the cylinder, operators must have good insulation protection.
三、防护任务。在主动上料打金鱼 任务时,不得将手伸入扭转的搅拌筒内,严禁将手伸入主卸料溜槽和加长卸料溜槽的毗连部位,以避免产生变乱。
3、 Protection work. When the automatic feeding mixer is working, it is not allowed to extend the hand into the rotating mixing drum. It is strictly forbidden to extend the hand into the connection part of the main discharge chute and the extended discharge chute, so as to avoid accidents.
4、 The pressure of the hydraulic system shall meet the requirements of the operation manual and shall not be adjusted at will. The quality and quantity of hydraulic oil should meet the original requirements.
上一篇:注册送200可提现的打鱼 的掩护须要哪些东西?
下一篇:打鱼注册送分 策念头功率若何遏制遴选?
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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主动上料打金鱼 办理者须要晓得的事变

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2020-12-30

一、防备混凝土粘罐。在施工现场卸料终了后,应当即用打金鱼 随带的软管冲刷进料斗、出料斗、卸料溜槽等处,清算粘附在车身遍地的污泥及混凝土。在前往搅拌站的途中,应向搅拌筒内注150---200L水以洗濯筒壁及叶片粘结的混凝土残渣。天天任务竣事后,司机应担任向搅拌筒内注入净水并高速(14—18转/分)扭转5—10分钟,而后将水排去,以保障筒内洁净。用高压水洗濯搅拌筒各个局部时,应注重避开仪表及支配杆等部位。压力水喷嘴与车身油漆外表间的间隔不得小于40厘米。
1、 Prevent the concrete from sticking to the tank. After unloading at the construction site, the feeding hopper, discharging hopper, discharging chute, etc. shall be washed immediately with the hose attached to the mixer truck, and the sludge and concrete adhered to the vehicle body shall be cleaned. On the way back to the mixing plant, 150-200l water should be injected into the mixing drum to clean the concrete residue bonded on the wall and blades of the drum. At the end of each day's work, the driver shall be responsible for injecting clean water into the mixing drum and rotating at high speed (14-18 RPM) for 5-10 minutes, and then discharging the water to ensure the cleanness of the drum. When using high-pressure water to clean each part of the mixing drum, attention should be paid to avoid the instrument and control rod. The distance between the spray nozzle and the paint surface shall not be less than 40 cm.
2、 Cleaning work. When cleaning up the dirt and residual concrete slag inside and outside the mixing drum, as well as when the maintenance personnel enter the drum for maintenance and welding repair, it is necessary to turn off the automobile engine to stop the mixing drum completely. During the working period, the maintenance personnel must ensure that the mixing cylinder is well ventilated, the air is fresh, there is no natural gas and harmful dust, and the oxygen supply is sufficient. When using electric tools in the cylinder, operators must have good insulation protection.
三、防护任务。在主动上料打金鱼 任务时,不得将手伸入扭转的搅拌筒内,严禁将手伸入主卸料溜槽和加长卸料溜槽的毗连部位,以避免产生变乱。
3、 Protection work. When the automatic feeding mixer is working, it is not allowed to extend the hand into the rotating mixing drum. It is strictly forbidden to extend the hand into the connection part of the main discharge chute and the extended discharge chute, so as to avoid accidents.
4、 The pressure of the hydraulic system shall meet the requirements of the operation manual and shall not be adjusted at will. The quality and quantity of hydraulic oil should meet the original requirements.