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打鱼注册送分 没法启动是甚么缘由?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时辰:2022-03-16

打鱼注册送分 利用起来多功效既便利,也不用担忧遭到园地限定,是今朝来最接待的一类打金鱼 ,由于会被大师常常利用,所以利用时辰越长,呈现题目也会变多。
The concrete mixer has multiple functions, which is convenient to use, and there is no need to worry about being limited by the site. It is the most popular type of mixer at present. Because it will be used frequently, the longer it is used, the more problems will appear.
In the process of using, a series of problems will appear. If the column cannot be started, what's going on?
1、 If only the magnetic sound of the starter can be heard when starting, the crankshaft will not rotate. This situation is most likely caused by the broken grid of the battery.
二、若是极桩、极桩夹子打仗不良而发烧烧损,这时辰辰启动挪动式主动上料打金鱼 就会呈现俄然动弹有力,并伴有烧橡胶气息或蓄电池处冒烟景象。
2、 If the pole pile and pole pile clamp are in poor contact and are heated and burned, then the mobile automatic feeding mixer will suddenly rotate weakly, accompanied by the smell of burning rubber or smoke from the battery.
4、 If there is only a slight "click" when starting, and there is no response after that, there can be a problem with the card issuing of the starting relay.
5、 When the meshing cut-in surface of the flywheel ring gear is deformed, there will be an idle sound of impact between the driving gear of the starter and the flywheel ring gear of the engine during startup.
6、 When the holding coil of the starter electromagnetic switch is wrongly connected to the power terminal or the three wires on the key switch are wrongly connected, as soon as the main power switch is connected, the starter drive gear will mesh and rotate with the flywheel ring gear.
上一篇:打金鱼 若何操纵能力省油?
下一篇:注册送200可提现的打鱼 利用寿命甚么身分影响?
tag:打鱼注册送分 ,注册送200可提现的打鱼 ,打鱼注册送分200元
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打鱼注册送分 没法启动是甚么缘由?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时辰:2022-03-16

打鱼注册送分 利用起来多功效既便利,也不用担忧遭到园地限定,是今朝来最接待的一类打金鱼 ,由于会被大师常常利用,所以利用时辰越长,呈现题目也会变多。
The concrete mixer has multiple functions, which is convenient to use, and there is no need to worry about being limited by the site. It is the most popular type of mixer at present. Because it will be used frequently, the longer it is used, the more problems will appear.
In the process of using, a series of problems will appear. If the column cannot be started, what's going on?
1、 If only the magnetic sound of the starter can be heard when starting, the crankshaft will not rotate. This situation is most likely caused by the broken grid of the battery.
二、若是极桩、极桩夹子打仗不良而发烧烧损,这时辰辰启动挪动式主动上料打金鱼 就会呈现俄然动弹有力,并伴有烧橡胶气息或蓄电池处冒烟景象。
2、 If the pole pile and pole pile clamp are in poor contact and are heated and burned, then the mobile automatic feeding mixer will suddenly rotate weakly, accompanied by the smell of burning rubber or smoke from the battery.
4、 If there is only a slight "click" when starting, and there is no response after that, there can be a problem with the card issuing of the starting relay.
5、 When the meshing cut-in surface of the flywheel ring gear is deformed, there will be an idle sound of impact between the driving gear of the starter and the flywheel ring gear of the engine during startup.
6、 When the holding coil of the starter electromagnetic switch is wrongly connected to the power terminal or the three wires on the key switch are wrongly connected, as soon as the main power switch is connected, the starter drive gear will mesh and rotate with the flywheel ring gear.