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老手司机要掌握打金鱼 与泵车之间的间隔

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2022-06-15

打鱼提现app 倒向泵车料斗时,若是现场有专业批示职员,可先翻开溜槽,回升到比泵车料斗超出跨越约10厘米的间隔,而后起头倒转,服从批示职员批示。若是现场不批示职员,溜槽应斜拉返来,而后翻开溜槽的扭转止动销,使其自在扭转。注重:驾驶员必须能够或许或许看到驾驶室内滑槽的状况。
When the full-automatic mixer truck reverses to the pump truck hopper, if there is a professional commander on site, you can first open the chute, rise to a distance about 10cm higher than the pump truck hopper, and then start to reverse, and follow the command of the commander. If there is no commander on site, the chute shall be pulled back obliquely, and then the rotation stop pin of the chute shall be opened to make it rotate freely. Note: the driver must be able to see the status of the chute in the cab.
When reversing, the body should not face the rear of the pump truck. When reversing, the hopper of the pump truck shall be clearly seen. When the chute is close to the hopper of the pump truck, press the brake to observe whether the chute can touch the hopper after free swing. When the chute touches the material trough of the pump truck in advance, it shall stop immediately and move forward for 10-15cm; If the chute contacts the pump truck chute with braking inertia, this position can only be used for normal feeding.
In addition, there are many common driving knowledge to be clear about, such as:
启动打金鱼 之前,应把搅拌筒操纵手柄放在“遏制”地位。
Before starting the mixer truck, put the mixing drum operating handle at the "stop" position.
打鱼提现app 起动策念头后,应使搅拌筒在低速下动弹10分钟摆布,使液压油温升到20℃以上方可任务。
After the engine of the full-automatic mixer truck is started, the mixing drum shall be rotated at low speed for about 10 minutes to make the hydraulic oil temperature rise above 20 ℃ for operation.
打金鱼 在露天停放时,装料前应将搅拌筒反转,将积水和杂物排挤,以保障混凝土的品质。
When the mixer truck is parked in the open air, the mixing drum shall be reversed before loading to discharge the ponding and sundries to ensure the quality of concrete.
打金鱼 在运输混凝土时,要保障卸料斗安稳安稳,以避免在前进中因松动形成摆动,打伤行人或影响别的车辆一般运转。
When the mixer truck is transporting concrete, it is necessary to ensure that the unloading hopper is firmly fixed to avoid swinging due to looseness during traveling, injuring pedestrians or affecting the normal operation of other vehicles.
打金鱼 在运输进程中,平展路面坚持搅拌筒一般动弹,行驶在坡度较大或路况较差的路面时,应遏制动弹,待路况恶化后再规复搅拌。
During the transportation of the mixer truck, keep the mixing drum rotating normally on the flat road. When driving on the road with large slope or poor road conditions, stop the rotation and resume mixing after the road conditions improve.
打金鱼 水箱的水量要常常坚持装满,以备急用,夏季停机后,应将水箱、水泵、水管、搅拌筒内的水放净,并停放在向阳、不积水的处所,以避免冻坏机器。
The water tank of the mixer truck should always be kept full for emergency use. After the shutdown in winter, the water in the tank, water pump, water pipe and mixing drum should be drained and parked in a sunny place without ponding to avoid freezing the machine.
检验打金鱼 液压传动局部时,应使策念头和液压泵在不压力的环境下遏制。
When repairing the hydraulic transmission part of the mixer truck, the engine and hydraulic pump shall be operated without pressure.
检验打鱼提现app 时,如需入罐操纵,务必保障车辆熄火并拔出钥匙,避免误操纵引发职员伤亡。
When the full-automatic mixer is overhauled, if it needs to be put into the tank for operation, be sure to turn off the vehicle and remove the key to prevent casualties caused by misoperation.
I hope the above can help you. For more relevant information, you can follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com , contact the professional customer service personnel to explain more and more detailed contents or questions for you, so that you can get some information here!
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老手司机要掌握打金鱼 与泵车之间的间隔

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2022-06-15

打鱼提现app 倒向泵车料斗时,若是现场有专业批示职员,可先翻开溜槽,回升到比泵车料斗超出跨越约10厘米的间隔,而后起头倒转,服从批示职员批示。若是现场不批示职员,溜槽应斜拉返来,而后翻开溜槽的扭转止动销,使其自在扭转。注重:驾驶员必须能够或许或许看到驾驶室内滑槽的状况。
When the full-automatic mixer truck reverses to the pump truck hopper, if there is a professional commander on site, you can first open the chute, rise to a distance about 10cm higher than the pump truck hopper, and then start to reverse, and follow the command of the commander. If there is no commander on site, the chute shall be pulled back obliquely, and then the rotation stop pin of the chute shall be opened to make it rotate freely. Note: the driver must be able to see the status of the chute in the cab.
When reversing, the body should not face the rear of the pump truck. When reversing, the hopper of the pump truck shall be clearly seen. When the chute is close to the hopper of the pump truck, press the brake to observe whether the chute can touch the hopper after free swing. When the chute touches the material trough of the pump truck in advance, it shall stop immediately and move forward for 10-15cm; If the chute contacts the pump truck chute with braking inertia, this position can only be used for normal feeding.
In addition, there are many common driving knowledge to be clear about, such as:
启动打金鱼 之前,应把搅拌筒操纵手柄放在“遏制”地位。
Before starting the mixer truck, put the mixing drum operating handle at the "stop" position.
打鱼提现app 起动策念头后,应使搅拌筒在低速下动弹10分钟摆布,使液压油温升到20℃以上方可任务。
After the engine of the full-automatic mixer truck is started, the mixing drum shall be rotated at low speed for about 10 minutes to make the hydraulic oil temperature rise above 20 ℃ for operation.
打金鱼 在露天停放时,装料前应将搅拌筒反转,将积水和杂物排挤,以保障混凝土的品质。
When the mixer truck is parked in the open air, the mixing drum shall be reversed before loading to discharge the ponding and sundries to ensure the quality of concrete.
打金鱼 在运输混凝土时,要保障卸料斗安稳安稳,以避免在前进中因松动形成摆动,打伤行人或影响别的车辆一般运转。
When the mixer truck is transporting concrete, it is necessary to ensure that the unloading hopper is firmly fixed to avoid swinging due to looseness during traveling, injuring pedestrians or affecting the normal operation of other vehicles.
打金鱼 在运输进程中,平展路面坚持搅拌筒一般动弹,行驶在坡度较大或路况较差的路面时,应遏制动弹,待路况恶化后再规复搅拌。
During the transportation of the mixer truck, keep the mixing drum rotating normally on the flat road. When driving on the road with large slope or poor road conditions, stop the rotation and resume mixing after the road conditions improve.
打金鱼 水箱的水量要常常坚持装满,以备急用,夏季停机后,应将水箱、水泵、水管、搅拌筒内的水放净,并停放在向阳、不积水的处所,以避免冻坏机器。
The water tank of the mixer truck should always be kept full for emergency use. After the shutdown in winter, the water in the tank, water pump, water pipe and mixing drum should be drained and parked in a sunny place without ponding to avoid freezing the machine.
检验打金鱼 液压传动局部时,应使策念头和液压泵在不压力的环境下遏制。
When repairing the hydraulic transmission part of the mixer truck, the engine and hydraulic pump shall be operated without pressure.
检验打鱼提现app 时,如需入罐操纵,务必保障车辆熄火并拔出钥匙,避免误操纵引发职员伤亡。
When the full-automatic mixer is overhauled, if it needs to be put into the tank for operation, be sure to turn off the vehicle and remove the key to prevent casualties caused by misoperation.
I hope the above can help you. For more relevant information, you can follow our website http://zhaoyanfilter.com , contact the professional customer service personnel to explain more and more detailed contents or questions for you, so that you can get some information here!