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主动上料打金鱼 布局应当包罗哪些?

来历:http://zhaoyanfilter.com/ 时候:2020-09-14

1. Power take-off device
主动上料打金鱼 接纳主车策念头取力体例。取力装配的感化是经由进程支配取力开关将策念头能源掏出,经液压体系驱动搅拌筒,搅抖筒在进料和运输进程中正向扭转,以利于进料和对混凝土停止搅拌,在出料时反向扭转,在任务闭幕后堵截与策念头的能源连接。
The automatic loading mixer adopts the main vehicle engine power take-off mode. The function of the power take-off device is to take out the power of the engine by operating the power take-off switch, and drive the mixing drum through the hydraulic system. The stirring drum rotates forward in the process of feeding and transportation to facilitate the feeding and mixing of concrete. It rotates reversely when discharging, and cuts off the power connection with the engine after the end of the work.
2. Hydraulic system
The power of the engine taken out by the power take-off device (generally full-function power take-off device at the rear) is converted into hydraulic energy (displacement and pressure), and then output to mechanical energy (speed and torque) through the motor to provide power for the rotation of the mixing drum.
3. Reducer
将液压体系中马达输入的转速加速后,传给自上料打金鱼 搅拌筒。
After decelerating the speed of the motor output in the hydraulic system, it is transmitted to the mixing drum of the charging mixer.
4. Control mechanism
1) Control the rotation direction of the mixing drum to make it rotate forward in the process of feeding and transportation, and reverse rotation when discharging.
2) Control the speed of mixing drum.
5. Cleaning system
The main function of the cleaning system is to clean the mixing drum, and sometimes it is used for dry material mixing during transportation. The cleaning system also cools the hydraulic system.
6. Closure device
全封锁装配接纳反转展转密封手艺,密封了打金鱼 的收支料口,处置了传统打金鱼 水分蒸发、沙浆分层、砼料撒落、行车宁静等系列题目。
The rotary sealing technology is adopted in the fully closed device to seal the inlet and outlet of the mixer, and a series of problems such as water evaporation, mortar layering, concrete spreading and driving safety of the traditional mixer truck are solved.
感激您的浏览,此文的文章来历:注册送200可提现的打鱼 更多的内容和题目请点击:http://zhaoyanfilter.com咱们会持续尽力的为您供给办事,感激您的撑持!
Thank you for reading. This article is from small concrete mixer truck. For more information and questions, please click: http://zhaoyanfilter.com We will continue to work hard to provide services for you, thank you for your support!
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主动上料打金鱼 布局应当包罗哪些?

作者:中科聚峰打鱼注册送分 厂家 时候:2020-09-14

1. Power take-off device
主动上料打金鱼 接纳主车策念头取力体例。取力装配的感化是经由进程支配取力开关将策念头能源掏出,经液压体系驱动搅拌筒,搅抖筒在进料和运输进程中正向扭转,以利于进料和对混凝土停止搅拌,在出料时反向扭转,在任务闭幕后堵截与策念头的能源连接。
The automatic loading mixer adopts the main vehicle engine power take-off mode. The function of the power take-off device is to take out the power of the engine by operating the power take-off switch, and drive the mixing drum through the hydraulic system. The stirring drum rotates forward in the process of feeding and transportation to facilitate the feeding and mixing of concrete. It rotates reversely when discharging, and cuts off the power connection with the engine after the end of the work.
2. Hydraulic system
The power of the engine taken out by the power take-off device (generally full-function power take-off device at the rear) is converted into hydraulic energy (displacement and pressure), and then output to mechanical energy (speed and torque) through the motor to provide power for the rotation of the mixing drum.
3. Reducer
将液压体系中马达输入的转速加速后,传给自上料打金鱼 搅拌筒。
After decelerating the speed of the motor output in the hydraulic system, it is transmitted to the mixing drum of the charging mixer.
4. Control mechanism
1) Control the rotation direction of the mixing drum to make it rotate forward in the process of feeding and transportation, and reverse rotation when discharging.
2) Control the speed of mixing drum.
5. Cleaning system
The main function of the cleaning system is to clean the mixing drum, and sometimes it is used for dry material mixing during transportation. The cleaning system also cools the hydraulic system.
6. Closure device
全封锁装配接纳反转展转密封手艺,密封了打金鱼 的收支料口,处置了传统打金鱼 水分蒸发、沙浆分层、砼料撒落、行车宁静等系列题目。
The rotary sealing technology is adopted in the fully closed device to seal the inlet and outlet of the mixer, and a series of problems such as water evaporation, mortar layering, concrete spreading and driving safety of the traditional mixer truck are solved.
感激您的浏览,此文的文章来历:注册送200可提现的打鱼 更多的内容和题目请点击:http://zhaoyanfilter.com咱们会持续尽力的为您供给办事,感激您的撑持!
Thank you for reading. This article is from small concrete mixer truck. For more information and questions, please click: http://zhaoyanfilter.com We will continue to work hard to provide services for you, thank you for your support!